aufhof" project

With the support of the state of Lower Saxony, the city, science and business development are currently preparing an innovative interim use of the vacant "Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof" department store at the Marktkirche, initially until the end of the year.
From June, the first floor of the building will be a forum for urban development and building culture, for innovative and tangible science and for a creative approach to the future challenges of the city onaround 5,000 square meters underthe project name"aufhof". It is thus also an example of the transformation of the city centre, which must adapt to the consequences of climate change, economic and social changes and the digitalization of all areas of life.
A mixture of events, networking, urban development, (building) culture, science and innovation is now being created in the "temporary" building. For example, the city administration presents the city center concept and, together with associations and institutions such as the Association of German Architects (BDA), explores the question of how sustainable urban development and architecture can be transported more strongly into urban society and how the importance of building culture can be made tangible and experienced.
HannoverUniversity of AppliedSciencesandArts (HsH), together with all ofHannover'sstateuniversities,is planning various event and participation formatsunderthe title"innovercity"with a focus on innovationand(social) transformation.hannoverimpuls, the economic development agency, iscoordinating the entire project andis also planning to use parts of the space for art, culture and eSports. Everything will be collected and published under the"aufhof"brand. All details of the interim use are still being developed by the project partners. The program should be largely finalized around the beginning of May. The opening is planned for June 1.
"After the experimental spaces at the beginning of our inner city dialogue, we now have a new experimental location - this time not on the street, but once again right in the center and with excellent opportunities for experimentation and learning," says Lord MayorBelit Onay."Following the example of the ancient Greek agora, we are using this space as a place for encounters, exchange and joint commitment. I am very much looking forward to this exciting process and am thrilled to see how many people have come together in such a short space of time and are bringing so much initiative to the table."
The state universities are financially supported by the Lower SaxonyMinistry of Science and Culture (MWK)."Science is being brought into the heart of the city to the citizens. I am delighted about the initiative of Hannover's universities to enter into an exchange in order to make the transformation and the associated structural change transparent and tangible. As the state of Lower Saxony, we are very happy to promote and support this innovative communication format with the zukunft.niedersachsen agenda," emphasizes State SecretaryProf. Dr. Joachim Schachtner.
Urban development of the future
The city administration wants to take a look at the city of the future and encourage discussion and thought. In addition to the city center concept with the goal of a climate-neutral, resilient city, the focus will also be on the future integrated mobility and traffic concept and the "City Roofwalks" model project. The Smart City project #hannovativ will also have a real point of contact here. Topics such as a walking gallery and a street art graffiti project are also planned. Events, lectures, discussions, workshops and seminars on areas such as environmental and climate protection or cultural, social and societal issues are also planned. For this purpose, the "aufhof" will have a small arena with just under 200 seats. "The former department store building will be used to think about and discuss the development of our city seriously, but also creatively - and also to argue sometimes. We want to provide space for 'urban development from the heart of society'," says city planning officer Thomas Vielhaber.
"innovercity - House of Innovation" as a goal
The "innovercity interval" is a prototype for a house of science and innovation in the city center. During this interim use in the "aufhof", the universities want to enter into a dialog with people on current topics and make science and innovation tangible for the public, for example through student and start-up teams and innovative exhibitions on site. Innovation formats such as "Venture Lab" and "Prototype Parties", future workshops, public lectures, symposia and new types of dialog formats allow science to be touched and discussed.
In addition, the "innovercity festival" is planned for June as a major kick-off event with an ideas party, ideas circle training and fishbowls. The long-term goal is to permanently establish the "innovercity - House of Innovation", where citizens, creative minds, business and science can come together to work on innovations for the societal, economic and social challenges of the future.
"As HsH, we are convinced that in times of scientific skepticism and social and economic transformation, science belongs back in the city center with a House of Innovation. This offers opportunities for the economy, revitalizes the city centre and makes Hannover an attractive location for innovation and science for students and companies," saysProf.Martin Grotjahn,Vice President for Research, Transfer and Continuing Education at HsH.
In addition to the HsH, the University of Music, Drama and Media, Leibniz University, the University of Medicine and the University of Veterinary Medicine are involved in "innovercity" with funding from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture. Other partners, including from the business world, are very welcome.
Sustainable fashion, art, culture and eSports
hannoverimpuls is putting together a diverse program in cooperation with the Agentur für kreative Zwischenraumnutzung. The plans for this area include a "pop-up studio" for sustainable fashion, various artistic exhibitions, a theater production and exercise zones with a range of activities from skating to table tennis.
A larger space is also to be dedicated to eSports. Under the title "Continue", the planned "gaming hub" includes both an interactive museum with one of the world's largest collections of all video game consoles since 1972 and a modern eSports event venue with a stage for current games and all related topics as well as an exhibition area for game development from Hanover and the region. "With an average annual growth rate of more than 15 percent, the eSports market is rapidly gaining in importance worldwide. The 'aufhof' offers the perfect setting to initiate cross-generational dialogue and make the future market of eSports accessible to a broad audience with a varied program," emphasizes Hanoverimpuls Managing DirectorDoris Petersen.
Name "aufhof" - from departure to appropriation
The name "aufhof" is a reminiscence of the recent history of the place. In addition, the prefix "auf" stands for opening up, breaking open and opening up: "the opening up of the building on the one hand, of minds on the other; the breaking up of patterns and habits towards the future as well as the opening up of opportunities, community and new alliances," explains Prof. Gunnar Spellmeyer, Head of the "Nexster - Entrepreneurship Center" at HsH. The "courtyard" forming the second syllable is on the one hand a synonym for the "enclosed, protected place in uncertain times" and on the other hand a "place of appropriation by the neighbors - here society, business and science."
A project with many institutional supporters
The interim use under the name "aufhof" is a project of the state capital of Hanover, the universities under the leadership of HsH and hannoverimpuls. The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) is providing financial support to the universities. In addition, the project managers have already been able to secure a number of supporters such as enercity, hanova and Sparkasse Hannover. In addition, the owner of the property, Signa Real Estate, is letting the project partners use the property for the duration of the interim use in return for payment of the operating costs and is providing comprehensive support for the project. Further sponsors are very welcome.
New building from next year
From 2024, Signa is planning a mixed-use, sustainable building ensemble on the site with modern working environments, publicly accessible areas, residential/hotel and space for special manufactories and creative uses. A forward-looking building that will enliven the quarter with a lively mix around the clock: restaurants, owner-managed specialist retailers, spaces for tangible manufactories of local brands and stores for young, innovative retailers. It will also be possible to use the space for offices and apartments as well as artists' studios and exhibition spaces. The roof is to be greened and become an open space accessible to the public.
Where possible, some of the materials and elements used in the department store will be reused in the new buildings. The owners are currently working with various offices and institutes on concepts to reduce resource consumption and minimize carbon dioxide emissions over the entire life cycle of the project.
Contact us
Manfred Kutzinski
Special project temporary use of Galeria Kaufhof in Seilwinderstrasse