New legal regulations 2024

The new year offers new impetus. Please also bear in mind that some new legal regulations affecting your business came into force at the start of 2024.

Here is just a small selection of the many new regulations, each with a link to read about the respective changes. All information without guarantee and without claim to completeness!

Basic allowance in income tax

From 2024, the basic allowance for income tax will increase by € 696 to

11.604 €.

Increase in the minimum wage and earnings threshold for mini-jobbers in Germany

From 2024, the statutory minimum wage will increase to €12.41 gross per hour. At the same time, the earnings threshold for mini-jobbers will rise to €538 per month.

New contribution assessment limits in statutory health and pension insurance for 2024

In the statutory health insurance system, the contribution assessment limits will rise uniformly throughout Germany to EUR 62,100 per year or EUR 5,175 per month.

In the general pension insurance scheme, it will rise to EUR 7,450 per month in the new federal states and to EUR 7,550 per month in the old federal states.

Tax treatment of business equipment/depreciation

Business equipment up to EUR 1,000 can be fully and immediately claimed as a tax deduction from 2024. The limit for collective items has been increased from EUR 1,000 to EUR 5,000.

You can find more information about new legal regulations at the turn of the year 2023/2024 here:

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