Shine from within: Corporate culture as a foundation for employer attractiveness


This workshop dealt with the role of corporate culture as the cornerstone of employer attractiveness. The focus was on practices and experiences as well as different corporate cultures.

What impact does the corporate culture have on employees?

  • Influence on performance and satisfaction: A strong and positive corporate culture can lead to higher employee satisfaction, commitment and productivity.
  • Adaptability and change: Corporate culture is dynamic and must adapt to external changes in order to be successful in the long term.
  • Importance for attractiveness as an employer: Shared goals and values promote a sense of belonging and identification with the company. Potential employees are looking for a working environment that corresponds to their own values and ideas of meaningfulness.
  • Sustainability and social responsibility: A culture of sustainability and social responsibility: Issues such as ethical behavior, environmental protection and social commitment are becoming increasingly important for employer attractiveness.

Video of the protocol

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How can appreciation be practiced as a core corporate value?

The participants worked together in groups on how appreciation can be practiced in the company based on a conflict. Practical examples were discussed and strategies developed to deal with conflict situations in an appreciative manner.

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Hanover Region
Project coordination
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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