Founding story December 2023: neuearbeitszeiten
Hand on heart - entrenched structures often get on your nerves at work and you don't feel that your own strengths and needs are being properly addressed. If this is the case, it's time for neuearbeitszeiten by and with Amelie Kollhoff.

The company sees itself as an "initiative and network for a picture-book working life" that not only keeps everyone happy, but also allows everyone to work together productively as a team. To this end, neuearbeitszeiten offers numerous tools that make working life better in the long term. From design thinking and team workshops to presentations, Amelie Kollhoff creates individual and tailor-made solutions to lead companies into a sustainable working world of tomorrow and also to resolve potential generational conflicts. The motto behind this: "Because yesterday is no longer today ..."
Amelie - how did the idea for neuearbeitszeiten come about?
After many years as an employee in the financial services industry, I had had enough of sitting in a certain chair at certain times and only seeing improvements instead of a better world. I wanted to rethink work, free from social norms, and create added value with work. That's why I quit my well-paid job and founded neuearbeitszeiten. The goal: motivated teams, satisfied employees and a better working world that everyone likes.
Who is your target group?
Companies that think like me and share the modern neuearbeitszeiten philosophy. The important thing is that I work in an open-ended way - there will never be a 10-point plan like the ones you might be familiar with from large management consultancies. Every person and every company has to work out and define for themselves what the perfect working environment looks like. I also always work with bosses and their teams as equals. Sometimes you have to be able to accept that.
Since the idea of a picture-book working life is something you can't really start with early on, I also like to work with pupils and students and philosophize with them about their future, long before they enter the world of work.
What is special about your work?
At neuearbeitszeiten, I think in terms of four areas that can be approached in a new and different way: #alltogether, #doityourself, #longtermthinking, #allsatisfied. #allezufrieden is both the starting point and the goal. Only time will tell what the goal will ultimately look like. In any case, we need to break away from rigid structures, keep questioning things and also question the familiar, such as creativity at the touch of a button. If you expect creative ideas from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, you shouldn't be surprised if nothing sustainable comes out of this time. There is another way - you just have to start breaking new ground. Employees can, should and may think entrepreneurially and actively shape the future of their own work and that of the company and change it for the better. If you need help on this path, you've come to the right place.
Who benefits from your work?
All of them! After all, everyone is involved in the process. Even if those who have the greatest need, i.e. the employees, are usually not allowed to decide on the budget in order to commission me. I often have to do a lot of convincing with potential clients. However, the entire workforce should benefit later on. To achieve this, I have to be able to overcome the fear of thinking and acting differently. It's also very much about trust. Do bosses really have to control everything? Does everyone really dare to say what they really think in an open discussion? This is the only way we can create a sustainable future.
What tips do you have for other founders?
I've been self-employed for four years this month and am just as flexible as I was when I started - and I think that's the way it should be. A business plan is important, but it's not set in stone. In my opinion, inner conviction and, above all, passion are much more important. Stay creative and look at how the world is changing. Be brave, but realistic. Don't let the world around you blind you or influence you negatively. Stick to yourself and your ideas.
How did hannoverimpuls support you?
I took advantage of the workshop offer from hannoverimpuls with "Gründung kompakt" and spent four weeks going through all the topics in fast-forward mode. You get a lot of input and plenty of inspiration in a very short time - and your own idea is put to the test once again. It's super interesting, but also super exhausting. At least for someone like me, who produces new ideas, plans and projects every day. The combination of training, coaching and individual consultations provides variety and the exchange with each other has been incredibly beneficial. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people behind hannoverimpuls once again!

Amelie Kollhoff
Mobile: +49 151 41 61 60 63
Tel: +49 511 999 71 284
Windthorststraße 3-4, 30167 Hanover
Ute Rebel and Melissa Jung from hannoverimpuls on the collaboration with Amelie Kollhoff:
Amelie knows exactly what she wants and what she no longer wants. Despite her extensive professional experience, she has taken everything with her at Gründung kompakt. We are sure that her offerings on the topic of New Work will encourage many companies to rethink their approach.