Trainee workshop

24.06.2024 - A series of workshops by trainees for trainees with the support of the Hannover Region on all topics that affect trainees.

To all trainees in the Hanover region: If you are interested in the following questions, the AZUBI WERKSTATT is for you:

  • What learningmethods are there for exam preparation?
  • Which creativemethods can you use to make topics easier to learn?
  • How do I motivatemyself to learn?
  • How are challengingconversations conducted?
  • What doyou expect from your bosses and what do they expect from you? How can and should expectations be communicated?
  • How do you want to and can you help shape yourtraining in your training company (e.g. operational procedures)?
  • What could the training ofthe futurelook likeatyour employer?

We offer a series of workshops designed by apprentices for apprentices - theAZUBIWERKSTATT.

Here you as trainees have the opportunity to regularlyexchange information on important topics relating to training.

The focus of the workshop series is always based on the question: What are your needs?

The aim is to find answers to your questions together!


The target group is exclusivelytrainees!

The number of participants islimitedto 20trainees.

The maximum number of participants percompanydepends on the size of the company, but a maximum of3trainees percompany is possible.

Kick off date
Knowing how - how to learn successfully (Basics)
Knowing how - how to learn successfully (methods)
Knowing how - this is how I present myself and in presentations
Knowing how - this is how I motivate myself!
Your topic requests
Closing event with your trainers

The workshop dates are yet to be announced. The locations of the individual workshops vary and will be communicated in a joint WhatsApp group. This is also where the exchange with the other trainees takes place.

We start on Monday, 21.10.2024, in the Haus der Region (Hildesheimer Str. 20), room 603 from 17.00 to 19.00.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
Jannik Giebel

regiobus Hannover GmbH

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