Founding story January 2023: OH! Nana Foods

David - how did the idea for the desserts come about?
More than five years ago, I decided to adopt a vegan lifestyle for health reasons and trained as a nutrition coach during the coronavirus pandemic. Among other things, I learned that poor nutrition is now responsible for more deaths worldwide than smoking, for example. I can combine both with my ice cream desserts: Vegan, healthy snacking and a conscious approach to food. OH! Nana was initially just a concept for healthy snacks. The volcanic eruption on La Palma in December 2021 gave me the idea of bananas from Europe - which I now import directly from our farmer on the Canary Islands. I created my first product line with this fruit. My biggest environmental goal is to also use the peel of the fruit and turn it into a waste-free organic fertilizer.
Your idea was one of the winners of the last Startup-Impuls competition organized by hannoverimpuls. What has changed since then?
I came to Germany as an expat and worked in an English-speaking company. I found out about the start-up competition by chance. As I was allowed to present in English, I started to write my idea properly. In the meantime, the company has been founded, a production kitchen has been found, a launch event has been organized - and my products have been certified organic. I took part in the Veggienale & FairGoods trade fair in Frankfurt, launched a website and online store and also created profiles on Facebook and Instagram for advertising. I also completed market-ready, biodegradable packaging for the iced cakes - a milestone for me as a budding ecopreneur! In October last year, OH! NANA was even selected to present the dessert at the "Food Awards 2022" gala dinner in Hamburg. So a lot has happened since the competition.
What tips do you have for other founders?
"Done is better than perfect." I have this quote printed out on my desk. The important thing is to put the idea into the world and work on it. If you're actually a perfectionist like me, my second guiding principle helps: "Screw it, let's do it." If I have respect for trying something out, I repeat this sentence like a mantra and just do it. Fear of failure is a big obstacle between us and realizing our dreams - but it's only through failure that we gain experience. So don't be afraid to start something just because there is a risk of failure.
Oh! Nana Foods
Owner David Fava
Mobile: 0176 32551122
David on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:
For me, hannoverimpuls is the "motivator that brings ideas to life". The application deadlines for the start-up competition - by the way, the current one runs until January 8, 2023 - and the support from the mentors bridge the gap between the idea in your head and putting it into practice. That was one of the most difficult steps for me. I recommend all budding entrepreneurs who don't have a clear idea of how or where to start to seek help from hannoverimpuls. There are professionals there who are ready to help you! They have the right combination of connections, networks and tools to help you get started.
Markus Rohde, Project Manager Start-up and Entrepreneurship at hannoverimpuls on the collaboration with David Fava:
David originally comes from the field of business development and has a very clear idea of what he wants. His idea of harmonizing nutrition and sustainability right from the start has a future. Every step is well thought out and he doesn't let himself get rattled. He just gets on with it.