Digital Business Hannover - Successful promotion of the Hannover Region

See digital challenges as opportunities. See them as an opportunity to make your own company fitter. The Hannover Region Economic Development Agency set itself the task of communicating this a good year ago and launched the "Digital Business Hannover" project series.
© Digital Mindset

At its core, this is about making small and medium-sized enterprises fit for the digital transformation. Online themed workshops, tailored to the respective industry, made it easier to get started. More than 120 companies benefited from the program in 2021. The series will be continued in early 2022 - this time for the retail sector.

At the end of the year, Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, draws a positive conclusion: "We know that there is still great potential for digitalization in the Hannover Region, especially among SMEs. Our digital fitness program has made this more visible and helped companies to position themselves well for the future. We will therefore continue this offer."

In fact, there are more and more examples of entrepreneurs and companies who are grateful for the project. Painter Nauta from the metal processing company Baumert & Dabergotz GmbH, for example. He is head of purchasing and sales there and, in his own words, was "completely analog" before participating in Digital Business Hannover. His company had always wanted to take part in digitization funding programmes and network. "But we had never met the requirements for funding - that was different with Digital Business Hannover," he explains. The result: "We are simply better networked. We have an explainer for each of our topics, i.e. a person who can help us when we need help. We have recognized the added value of digitalization for us!"

© Hans & Jung Unternehmensfotografie/KurzwarenKatze
Has benefited from the program: Katrin Schmidt, KurzwarenKatze

This is also the case for Katrin Schmidt, founder and Managing Director of the sewing supplies retailer KurzwarenKatze. Before taking part in Digital Business Hannover, she had a classic problem: "We weren't sure which digitalization topics were actually relevant for us," she says looking back. She is not primarily concerned with perfect profit maximization, but with sustainable business.

"I want to be a solid business in the part of town I like.
And one that can continue for the next 30-40 years."

After participating in the program sponsored by the Hannover Region, it was clear to her that social media could be an important tool for her. "That's why I've now hired someone for this area. Before, I thought I could somehow manage it myself. But you have to realize which things, apart from purchasing and business, are perhaps better left to competent specialists."

For Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, these are two prime examples of funding successes: "We keep realizing how important networking is. The Hannover economic region is full of expertise - the challenge is to identify and bundle it. We are happy to do that."

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Hanover Region
Project manager for scientific infrastructure
Kai Weber
Project manager for science-related infrastructure
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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