Authentic and lively presentation


Under the motto "Authentic and lively presentations", this workshop at the WERKSTATT ATTRAKTIVE ARBEITGEBER offered entrepreneurs the opportunity to hone their presentation skills and receive direct feedback from the participants.

The workshop began with a unique warm-up: a meditation exercise under the guiding principle "May I feel safe and secure". This exercise serves to create an atmosphere of trust and openness as each participant reflects and shares with others when and why they feel safe and secure. The resulting personal level of exchange forms the foundation for the presentations that follow. Such a warm-up was initially disconcerting for the participants. After the implementation, the participants found it "enriching".

Before the workshop, three entrepreneurs had the chance to work on their presentations in individual coaching sessions. During the workshop, these presentations were then presented, with a particular focus on authenticity and liveliness. Participants had the opportunity to give and receive constructive feedback as a valuable opportunity for learning and personal development.

Based on the experiences and findings of the warm-up and the presentations, a checklist was drawn up containing essential points for giving authentic and lively presentations. In addition, creative ideas were collected that can help to improve one's own presentation technique and captivate the audience.

    1. Preparing for emotional presence: The importance of preparing emotionally for a presentation in order to create authenticity and connection with the audience.
    2. Sharing personal stories:How personal stories and experiences can enrich the presentation and help the audience feel a deeper connection to the topic.
    3. Using body language consciously:The use of body language to reinforce messages and make the presentation more lively

This workshop showed all participants how important it is to present authentically and vividly, and that personal development and feedback from others are crucial to growing in this art.

We are convinced that the workshop participants are now better equipped to share their ideas, projects and visions with conviction and passion.

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Hanover Region
Project coordination
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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