Second Hydrogen Day Hannover Region

In 2021, the first Hydrogen Day was successfully held at Herrenhausen Palace in conjunction with the presentation of the regional hydrogen initiative Generation H2. Today, we and all partners of the initiative cordially invite you to continue.


free of charge

The topic has not lost its topicality. The energy crisis raises numerous questions for companies. Does hydrogen offer a solution?Generation H2 hasinvited experts from various fields of research to discuss this with you and answer your questions.

The secondHydrogen Day inthe Hannover Region will take place on

Friday, February 10, 2023
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Campus Mechanical Engineering
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen

Find out about research opportunities in Hanover, talk to experts, learn about practical examples from companies and let us develop ideas for a shared hydrogen future in the Hanover region.

A special focus in the implementation of hydrogen technology is on applications in fleet management and logistics, green electricity and hydrogen production, conversion of workshops, filling station and infrastructure, process engineering and component manufacturers, facility management and real estate industry, municipal companies and research / teaching. We would therefore like to extend a special invitation to you as companies and stakeholders in this field to attend our event.

We look forward to welcoming you - whether you are a newcomer looking for information, have an idea about hydrogen or are looking for partners.

Benefit from the know-how of the Hannover Region Economic Development Corporation and hannoverimpuls as well as their partner network to connect the right players and realize viable project ideas.

from 9.30 a.m. Arrival/registration/welcome coffee

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Hydrogen - Thejourney through the country, status quoand vision(Dr. Ulderup lecture hall, building section 8130 )

  • Greeting
    • Steffen Krach, President of the Hannover Region:
      On the way to the year 2030
    • Prof. Dr.VolkerEpping, President Leibniz Universität Hannover:
    • Frauke Patzke,State Representative Office for Regional Development Leine-Weser
    • Claudio Provenzano, Mayor of the City of Garbsen

  • Impulses
    • Ulf-Birger Franz,Head of the Hannover Region Economic Affairs Department:
      The initiative is on its way
    • Alexander Gehling,NOW:
      The big picture - H2 activities of the federal government
    • Dr. Alexander Bedrunka,Lower Saxony H2 Network:
      Journey through the H2 projects in Lower Saxony
    • Dr.-Ing. Dajan Mimic, Leibniz Universität Hannover:
      Open the door at the research campus - offers for companies
    • Jens Conrad, everfuel:
      Best practice - fuel cell hybrid buses and more

12 to 1 p.m.: Lunch in the Spine
(Hannover Production Technology Center, Building 8110)

Parallel: ExhibitionVehiclesin practice:aha H2 waste vehicle, Toyota Mirai
(outdoor area in front of Building 8130)


  • H2in motion(Dr. Ulderup lecture hall)
    • H2 waste vehicle at aha, Frank Bier, aha Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Region Hannover
    • H2 infrastructure, Jens Conrad, everfuel
    • Concepts for the H2 vehicle fleet, Marco Schmidt, hydrogentle GmbH
    • H2 business models and infrastructure, Marcel Corneille, EMCEL GmbH

      Moderation Lis Blume (Lower Saxony H2 Network)
  • H2forfuture(Seminar room 1a/b, PZH, building 8110)
    • H2-Campus of Leibniz University, Dr.-Ing. Dajan Mimic, TFD Institute for Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics
    • H2-powered cargo bike and H2 competence center of the BBS Burgdorf, Christoph Falkner, Berufsbildende Schulen Burgdorf
    • Ulrich Lüdersen, IVEK (Institute for Process Engineering, Energy Technology and Climate Protection), Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
    • Part-time H2 course for specialists and managers, Dr. Ruggero M. Capperucci, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

      Moderation Dr. Juliane Bielinski

  • H2inindustry (Seminar room 2a/b, PZH, building 8110)
    • Simulative short study on the use of hydrogen technology in Lower Saxony, SiKuWa, Dr. Raphael Niepelt, - ISFH, Institute for Solar Energy Research
    • H2as a form of energy in the steel industry, Dr. Peter Juchmann, Salcos Stahlwerk Salzgitter AG
    • Green H2 infrastructure - plant technology, Jens Asmuth, JA Gastechnologie
    • Electrolysis for Hanover - Herrenhausen sewage treatment plant project, Simon Pauli, Aspens GmbH

      Moderated by Olaf Daebler (hannoverimpuls)
  • H2live:

13:45: Plenary session and conclusion(Spine, PZH)

Tanja Göbler, Project Manager Generation H2,Hannover Region

Moderation: Dr. Juliane Bielinski

2 p.m. End


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