Transformation Day in Hildesheim

The second"Transformation Day - Hildesheim"by neu/wagen will take place on September 25, 2024 at the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum. Thefocus here will be on the challengesfacing the labor market: between innovative approaches to securing skilled workers and the use of new technologies such as AI and automation - where do companies stand?


free of charge

How can you introduce new technologies such as AI or process automation in your company and use them sensibly? How can you continue to attract and retain skilled workers in the future? We want to discuss these and other questions with you under the focus"The challenge of the labor market: Between innovative approaches to securing skilled workers and the use of new technologies such as AI and automation - where do companies stand?", because innovative approaches are needed to meet challenges on the labor market.

In anUNTERNEHMERTALK, regional companies will report on their practical experience in implementing new technologies and strategies for securing skilled workers. Experts will then show inSESSIONSwhat regional support options and offers are available to approach these topics and make them usable.


3.30 p.m. MEETING


  • Dr. Lara Weiss (Managing Director RPM)
  • Matthias Ullrich (Managing Director HI-REG GmbH)

4.10 p.m. COMPANY TALK

  • Marco Falke (HR Director) Fuba Automotive Electronics GmbH
  • Thomas Weiser (CEO) INNO TAPE GmbH
  • Oliver Rosen (Site Manager) Schäflein Logistics GmbH Rhein-Main

16.50 - 17.20 and 17.25 - 17.55

SESSION 1: Automation meets securing skilled workers

  • Svenja Fuhrich (Head of Skills Management Department) City of Hildesheim
  • Dr. Maren Müller (Head of Industry) IPH - Institut für Produktion Hannover gGmbH
  • Dr. Jan Jocker (Managing Director) TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH

SESSION 2: AI meets securing skilled workers

  • Prof. Stefan Wölwer, HAWK Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, University of Hildesheim Foundation
  • Alexander Röhrs (COO & Solution Engineer) deepIng business solutions GmbH

6.00 p.m. OUTLOOK

  • Dr.-Ing. Michael Merwart (Project management) Transformation network new/car


  • Possibility of visiting the exhibition

The "Transformation Day" of the transformation networkneu/wagenwilltakeplace on Wednesday, September 25September 2024 from3.30 pm.

The venue is the

Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum
Am Steine 1,31134Hildesheim

Early registration is requested due to limitedcapacity.

You will receive an e-mail with the latest information a few days before the event.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Transformation network new/car

Hanover Region
Team Transformation Network new/car
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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