HANnovativ Meetup #1
free of charge
In the new year, the state capital Hannover and hannoverimpuls are jointly launching a series of events on Smart City Hannover - the #HANnovativ-Meetup!
The aim of this new event format is to create a platform for the diverse topics of the Smart City. We want to bring business, science, administration and urban society together at different locations to exchange ideas, network and encourage discussion. Following the kick-off event, ten further meet-ups are initially planned on the individual fields of action of Hanover's Smart City strategy Restart: #HANnovativ.
To kick things off, we look forward to expert input on smart urban development from the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and Bitkom e.V. and will provide an update on the state capital's smart city initiative Restart: #HANNovativ. Afterwards, we will open the room for discussion and networking.
16:00: Welcome by Thomas Vielhaber (City Planning Officer, City of Hanover) and Doris Petersen
(hannoverimpuls GmbH)
16:15: Presentation Restart: #HANnovativ - City of Hanover
16:30: Impulse: Smart City approaches and their impact on urban development - Dr. Charlotte Räuchle,
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)
16:45: Impulse: Smart City Best Practices - Paul Hannapel, Bitkom e.V.
17:00: Wrap-up and discussion
from approx. 17:20:Networking
aufhof, Seilwinderstraße 1-7 (old Kaufhof building), 30159 route
Contact us
Dr. Georg Leuteritz