Green Economy in the Hannover Region becomes tangible

25.04.2023 - Economic Committee of the Hannover Region recommends implementation of two immediate measures for the "Green Economy" (around 750,000 euros) and "" (400,000 euros) guidelines approved last year.

Two things that complement each other in the term green economy. For this reason, the regional administration approved around 750,000 euros for the "Green Economy" guideline and 400,000 euros for the "" guideline grant at the end of last year.

On Thursday, the Committee for Economic Affairs and Employment proposed the first two specific measures in these packages for approval. The final decision will be made by the regional assembly on February 21, 2023.

Specifically, a further 80,000 euros will initially be made available for the"Nature field office - making company premises more natural"project. The project aims to protect insects and increase biodiversity in the Hanover region in the long term, as well as raise awareness of biological diversity.

The project has already got off to a successful start and has been able to advise 60 companies on redesigning their company gardens - 40 companies have already committed to taking the step towards more biodiversity. 31 of them are already in the process of redesigning their company premises. With the additional 80,000 euros envisaged, around 20 more companies could be advised and possible biologically beneficial measures implemented.

"We have received feedback from various municipalities about how well the project has been received. It shows that sometimes it only takes a relatively small amount of money to initiate a rethink. This is exactly where we want to go with the project - which is why I am very grateful that the Economic Committee is recommending its continuation."
Regional President Steffen Krach explains
Hanover Region

The"e.coBizz" project also aims to help companies on their way to a climate-neutral future and offer specific advice. The aim is to give companies access to funding programs and thus make it easier for them to make investments in the ecological transformation process. The project, which has been running successfully since 2006, will continue to be implemented by the Climate Protection Agency Region Hannover.

A look into 2022 shows the success

120 consultations were commissioned and 21 networking and information events were organized last year by the Climate Protection Agency in cooperation with the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency. In addition, group consultations, municipal get-togethers and training courses were held. The consultations all pursue the goal of implementing energy efficiency measures in different areas of the company.

Three examples

  • Energy efficiency check: advice on saving and optimizing energy costs in the company
  • Solar-Check: Advice on investments in solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems
  • E-mobility: Advice on expanding the company's own fleet to include electric vehicles or replacing conventional combustion vehicles
"Discussions have repeatedly shown that small and medium-sized companies in the Hannover Region are absolutely willing to actively implement the energy transition in their company. However, they often lack the necessary knowledge. And sometimes there is a lack of imagination - and it is precisely at these points that our advice and funding guideline discussions start. With success, as it turns out. That's why we shouldn't stop here, but continue in exactly the same way."
Head of Economic Affairs Ulf-Birger Franz
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The Hannover Region's "Hannover Region Green Economy" funding guideline has been supporting sustainability projects by SMEs and larger mid-sized companies in the area of research and development with up to 10,000 euros for almost a year now. In 2022, there were around 50 HRGE cases with a total funding volume of around 400,000 euros.

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