Hanover as a business location

If you want to decide on a location, you need facts: Current location information and key figures on Hannover as a business and living space

The Hannover Region is one of the leading business locations in northern Germany with excellent prospects for the future. Around 1.2 million people live in the 21 towns and municipalities and around 533,000 employees subject to social insurance contributions work in over 50,000 companies.

The economic structure is characterized by leading industries with great innovation and job potential. The gross domestic product generated and the purchasing power and retail purchasing power per inhabitant are well above the national average.

At renowned universities such as Leibniz University, the Medical University and the University of Veterinary Medicine, 51,000 students study and conduct research. In the numerous vocational schools, more than 38,000 pupils receive comprehensive training for the job market.

Located at the intersection of major road, rail and waterway transport axes and equipped with an airport of supra-regional importance, the Hannover Region is a hub for European passenger, freight and goods traffic.

With Germany's largest exhibition center, the Hannover Region is also one of the leading international trade fair locations in Germany. The Hannover Region offers a wide range of cultural, sporting, musical, entertainment and recreational activities as well as a variety of living conditions.

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