Road/rail modal shift potential in freight transport

Results of the study (Ingenieurgesellschaft für Verkehr und Eisenbahnwesen IVE) to determine the potential for shifting freight traffic from truck to rail" in the Hanover region, funded by the European Union with ERDF funds.

There are currently still 41 rail sidings in the Hannover Region, which are actively used by 30 companies. The survey of companies revealed that 3.8 million tons are still transported by rail every year.

Greater growth potential is seen above all in combined transport (CT), i.e. transhipment from truck to rail. There is considerable potential for growth, particularly on the already well accepted CT route between Hanover and Nuremberg, but new destinations, for example from Hanover via Berlin to Warsaw or via Cologne to southern Germany, also open up additional potential for modal shift. Freight flows from the neighboring districts of the Hanover region must also be taken into account.

In total, CO2 emissions of up to 44,000 tons per year could be saved by shifting freight transport from trucks to rail. In this way, commercial transport can make its contribution to meeting the ambitious climate protection targets of the 100% climate protection master plan for the city and region of Hannover.

In order to achieve the modal shift effects, the study recommends that there is a need to develop proactive advice or "coaching" for improved rail access. This is aimed on the one hand at existing rail users, but also at companies that do not yet or no longer use rail.

Information on the free advisory service can befound here

The advisory service is supported by the European Union with ERDF funds

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