TRANSFORMATION READY: Climate neutrality - a new criterion for attractiveness?


Addressing the issue of climate neutrality and the use of instruments such as ECOPROFITis crucial for companies that want to increase their attractiveness as an employer for several reasons.

The importance of sustainability arises from both ecological and economic perspectives and reflects the growing expectations of stakeholders. The need to comply with legal requirements and the opportunities for sustainable growth are also important.

Responding to climate change:In view of the global challenges posed by climate change, it is essential for companies to take responsibility for their environmental impact. The Hannover Region is faced with the task of reducing its CO2 emissions and making a contribution to achieving national and international climate targets.

Public awareness:Public awareness and expectations regarding environmental protection and sustainable business are increasing. Companies that actively address climate neutrality can improve their reputation and be seen as pioneers in their sector.

Energy efficiency and cost savings: By implementing ÖKOPROFIT and similar programs, companies can increase their energy efficiency, save resources and thus reduce operating costs. In the long term, this leads to improved competitiveness and resilience to rising energy prices.

Funding and financing:The Hannover Region offers financial incentives and funding opportunities for companies wishing to invest in sustainable technologies and processes, just as it does at national and European level. Participation in programs such as ÖKOPROFIT can facilitate access to these resources.

Regulatory requirements:Companies are increasingly faced with the challenge of complying with a growing number of environmental laws and regulations. Addressing climate neutrality and participating in programmes such as ÖKOPROFIT can help to minimize compliance risks and avoid penalties.

Customer demand:Customers, both B2B and B2C, increasingly prefer products and services from companies that demonstrate sustainable practices. By committing to climate neutrality, companies can tap into new market opportunities and expand their customer base.

Supply chain requirements:Large corporations and public sector clients are increasingly demanding that their suppliers meet sustainability standards. Companies in the Hannover Region that are committed to climate neutrality can strengthen their position in such supply chains.

In summary, we have worked out in the Attractive Employers workshop that dealing with climate neutrality and the use of instruments such as ECOPROFIT can be essential steps for companies in the Hannover Region to both meet their ecological obligations and realize economic benefits. It not only strengthens the market position, but also contributes to sustainability within the company.

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Hanover Region
Project coordination
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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