Hola Kita! Spanish educators enrich daycare centers

03.03.2025 - With "Hola Kita!", the Hannover Region, the municipalities of Langenhagen, Seelze, Garbsen and Caritas Hannover have successfully integrated 13 Spanish nursery teachers into regional daycare centers.
Die spanischen Erzieherinnen mit den Mitwirkenden der Region Hannover, der Städte Langenhagen, Seelze und Garbsen, sowie der BBS Neustadt und dem Caritasverband Hannover e. V.Hanover Region
The Spanish nursery school teachers with the contributors from the Hannover Region, the towns of Langenhagen, Seelze and Garbsen, as well as the BBS Neustadt and the Caritasverband Hannover e. V.

Pilot project opens doors

The project "Hola Kita! - Recognition support for Spanish educators" is a successful cooperation between the Hannover Region, the towns of Langenhagen, Seelze and Garbsen, as well as the BBS Neustadt and the Caritasverband Hannover e. V. This pilot project currently involves 13 daycare centers in the aforementioned municipalities. The project began to take shape during the pandemic, when initial ideas for collaboration were developed. Since September 2024, 14 educators from Spain have come to Germany. They live with host families and attend the German language course at the VHS Langenhagen to improve their language skills. In addition, they are completing a one-year school programme at the BBS Neustadt, at the external location in Langenhagen, in order to obtain a fully recognized qualification as an educator in Germany. The vocational school, which has been operating as a part-time vocational school for social pedagogy for one and a half years, offers the Spanish specialists practice-oriented training. The kindergarten teachers' first day of school was on February 10, 2025, the day of the kick-off event.

"Seeing young people from Spain gain career prospects with us and at the same time helping to ensure that children are cared for in numerous daycare centers here locally is our motivation to continue implementing the Hola Kita! project in the future."
Sabrina Ines Heinrich, social education worker at Caritasverband Hannover e. V.

Kick-off with great gratitude

Auftaktveranstaltung am 10. Februar 2025Hanover Region
Kick-off event on February 10, 2025

The kick-off event for the "Hola Kita" project took place on February 10, 2025 at the Brinker Park daycare center in Langenhagen and attracted over 65 participants. The atmosphere was consistently positive and full of energy. In addition to the 14 Spanish nursery school teachers, the mayors of Langenhagen, Seelze and Garbsen also took part in the event, sending out a strong message of support. The words of welcome were characterized by great gratitude to all those involved - from the Hannover region and the local authorities to the daycare centers and host families to the BBS Neustadt and the Caritasverband Hannover e.V. as the initiator of the project. The importance of the project, which offers the 14 Spanish women new career prospects in Germany and at the same time opens human doors, was particularly emphasized. There is a surplus of nursery nurses in Spain, so finding a job is very difficult. "Hola Kita!" is therefore a win-win situation for everyone involved. It was emphasized how the project lives diversity in the daycare centers in a very special way and how commitment, trust and openness on the part of the Spanish women as well as on the part of the host daycare centers and all partners involved in the project contribute to the success of this project.

"I didn't actually plan it, but the best things happen unplanned."
Alicia Prang Herrera, Hirtenweg daycare center in Letter, Seelze

Shaping the future using the example of Mireia

Mireia Alexandri Bertran im Kath. Familienzentrum St. Maria-Regina in GarbsenHanover Region
Mireia Alexandri Bertran at the St. Maria-Regina Catholic Family Center in Garbsen

One of the Spanish childcare workers who came to Germany is called Mireia Alexandri Bertran. She is 26 years old and has been working in the St. Maria-Regina Catholic Family Center in Garbsen as part of the project since 9 September 2024. Mireia attends the German course at VHS Langenhagen together with the other Spanish students. She particularly appreciates her teacher, who is not only available to answer questions during the language course, but also outside of class. She can use all the new vocabulary she learns on the professional language course directly in her working environment at the daycare center. Apart from the language course, there are also personal successes to report: After a very stressful apartment search, she and a colleague found a suitable shared flat in Garbsen - a big step that she is very proud of. But she is also doing very well professionally. Mireia loves working with the children and looks forward to her time at the daycare center every day. Her colleagues are open and friendly and make her feel at ease. It is particularly nice that there are also three Spanish-speaking children, who give her the feeling of having a piece of home in her everyday work. The children's zest for life makes her work all the more enjoyable.

Valuable exchange and a new home

The Spanish educators and the daycare centers in the region are extremely happy about the cooperation, especially in view of the high shortage of skilled workers. The Spaniards strengthen the daycare center teams because they work "on top", not only strengthening the supply of skilled workers, but also sending a clear signal for positive immigration. Despite the many uncertainties, the Spanish nursery teachers have shown great courage. Their success is based above all on personal contact and targeted language support. Two of the 14 Spanish women even came to Germany with their boyfriends, which underlines their particular determination. The German language course started in Spain in April 2024. There was very little time to learn the new language. But the motivation and enthusiasm of the participants is unbroken.

An important step against the shortage of childcare professionals in the Hannover Region and a strong signal for positive immigration!

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project coordination
Leena Wilke
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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