Perspectives from the lockdown

Digital event of the state capital Hannover
Titelbild Veranstaltung "Perspektiven aus dem Lockdown"
Event "Perspectives out of the lockdown"

After the federal government and the state of Lower Saxony agreed on a step-by-step concept for opening up the retail and hospitality sectors at the beginning of March, the state capital of Hanover hosted a digital exchange with the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the DEHOGA District Association of Hanover, the Hanover Trade Association, the Hanover City Community, the Hanover Region and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs. The event "Perspectives from the lockdown" took place digitally on March 15, 2021. The participants discussed how the concept can be practically implemented in Hanover. There was also lively participation through the numerous chat questions, which were introduced into the discussion by moderator Jan Egge Sedelies, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung.

Represented on the podium were:

  • State Secretary Dr. Berend Lindner, Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitalization
  • Regional President Hauke Jagau, Hanover Region
  • Lord Mayor Belit Onay, City of Hanover
  • Maike Bielfeldt, Managing Director IHK Hannover
  • Kirsten Jordan, Managing Director DEHOGA District Association Hanover
  • Monika Dürrer, Managing Director of Handelsverband Hannover e.V. (HVH)
  • Martin Prenzler, Managing Director of City Gemeinschaft Hannover

You can watch the discussion on YouTube:

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State capital Hanover
Head of Local Economy, Portfolio Development and Sustainable Economic Development
Markus Berg
Head of Local Economy, Portfolio Development and Sustainable Economic Development
Department of Economics - Economic Development
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