Hanover: Campaign to motivate people to save energy

"Full power: one city, one goal: use resources wisely!" This is the title of a campaign to motivate people and institutions in Hanover to save energy and use resources sparingly.
Presentation of the campaign motifs: Lord Mayor Belit Onay (from left), Anja Ritschel, Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, Katharina Nörthemann (hannoverimpuls GmbH), Torsten Hannig (DGB Niedersachsen-Mitte), Dr. Mirko-Daniel Hoppe (IHK Hannover), Peter Karst (Hanover Chamber of Crafts) and Prof. Dr. Marc Hansmann (Enercity AG).
City of Hanover
"Full power: one city, one goal: use resources wisely!"

On the initiative of the Economic Round Table under the leadership of the City of Hanover, nine other organizations have joined the campaign alongside the city: the Hanover Chamber of Crafts, Deutsche Messe AG, enercity AG, the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the DeHoGa District Association of Hanover, the DGB District of Hanover, the City-Gemeinschaft Hannover e.V., the NBank and hannoverimpuls GmbH.

The initiators have opted for a joint appeal in order to achieve the widest possible reach. From October of this year until May 2024, the participants will play out three energy-saving motifs on various internal and external media channels. For example, the state capital will arrange for corresponding advertisements to be placed in local media. The city will also use the hannover.de portal, its own social media channels and digital street screens. The motifs, which each feature a power switch as a connecting element, focus on the economical use of electricity, water and other resources.

City of Hanover

"The campaign aims to promote conscious and sustainable action. Saving resources helps to secure the future for everyone," emphasizes Lord Mayor Belit Onay. "It's about getting involved and activating the power switch in your own environment. No matter whether it's water, electricity or other resources. We want to set an example together in Hanover - also with a view to impending energy shortages."

The Economic Round Table, which is responsible for the campaign, is a working group of leading associations, institutions and companies in and around Hanover that meets several times a year under the leadership of Lord Mayor Belit Onay and Anja Ritschel, the city's Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, to discuss current issues. Anja Ritschel points out that the state capital of Hanover has been committed to the careful use of resources in a wide variety of areas for years - with corresponding offers for citizens, but also for companies, for example with the "Ökoprofit" environmental program. The topic is also on the city's internal agenda, for example with the sustainability office's initiative "Wir machen Klimaschutz - der Monatstipp" (We do climate protection - the monthly tip) or with offers for job tickets or job bikes for employees," Anja Ritschel confirms.

"The campaign aims to promote conscious and sustainable action. Saving resources helps to secure the future for everyone.""
Lord Mayor Belit Onay, City of Hanover
"It is important to keep mobilizing people and companies for the sustainable use of resources. I am convinced that the 'Full Power' campaign will have an impact"
Anja Ritschel, Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, City of Hanover
""As an energy service provider, we bear a special responsibility for people and the environment. We are working hard every day to become climate-neutral. Energy efficiency is the sleeping giant of the energy transition. Every kilowatt hour saved protects our climate.""
Prof. Dr. Marc Hansmann, Member of the Executive Board of enercity AG
""Our efforts in relation to resource and energy-saving measures are an integral part of our corporate strategy. In this way, we contribute to protecting our environment and promoting sustainability in our industry. An important lever for us is the efficient use of energy as a resource. For example, we invest in photovoltaics to cover our energy requirements sustainably and at the same time contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions."
Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Board of Management of Deutsche Messe AG
"The campaign was developed in response to the sharp rise in energy costs. Keeping people aware of the need to use resources sparingly and treat nature with respect is an ongoing issue. The campaign effectively does justice to this with a clear visual language. A world of images that has also been used by our building energy consultants and chimney sweeps for some time and works well. Absolutely successful!"
Peter Karst, Managing Director of the Hanover Chamber of Skilled Crafts
"It is in everyone's interest to use energy as efficiently as possible and not to consume more than is really necessary, but this applies to all resources. Not only to minimize costs, but also to avoid unnecessarily harming our environment and our climate. Many companies have already optimized their processes and products in this area in recent years or are in the process of doing so now. The campaign calls on everyone to get involved in an issue that affects everyone.""
Dr. Mirko-Daniel Hoppe, Head of the Industry and Transport Department at the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce
"Sustainability is firmly anchored in our daily work as an economic development agency, both internally as a company and in terms of the ideas and projects we support on a daily basis. We are therefore all the more pleased to be part of this innovative campaign"
Doris Petersen, Managing Director of hannoverimpuls GmbH

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State capital Hanover
Head of Economic Development
Gabriele Zingsheim
Head of Economic Development
Department of Economics - Economic Development
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