City continues advertising campaign for local trade

"Your city. Your favorite stores. Live and online.": With this slogan and the accompanying logo "LOVE LOCAL - Shopping in Hanover", the city wants to appeal in advertisements to store in local stores.

The motif will be used in a wide variety of media in Hanover until December 2023 - in monthly and district magazines, on the screens of the market hall and also on Hanoverian passenger television. The aim of the measure, which cost around 16,000 euros, is to support the local retail sector and raise awareness of Hanoverians for their city.
"If you want to have lively districts and a vibrant city center, you should actively support local retailers," says Anja Ritschel, Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, adding: "Local retailers cannot survive without purchases, whether digital or in-store. The big online providers make it very easy for us to order 'from the sofa'. It has consequences for our city if everyone only buys digitally from the big providers. After all, we don't want to do without stores, a vibrant city center and attractive districts. As a city council, we therefore want to actively promote our local infrastructure."

"We in List also welcome the city council's campaign. We hope to raise awareness of the high quality of shopping in our district. The social component in direct interaction is an important building block.

We are also clearly noticing the changes in customers' shopping behavior in our district.

Helga Bretschneider, Treasurer Lister Liebling e.V.
"Shops thrive on customers. Here in the district, we not only offer good products, but also competent and personal advice. This allows us to offer our customers added value."
Roland Lüning, First Chairman VGI-Verein für Gewerbe und Industrie Misburg-Anderten e.V.
von links: Helga Bretschneider, Lister Lieblinge e.V., Anja Ritschel, Wirtschafts- und Umweltdezernentin Landeshauptstadt Hannover und Roland Lüning, VGI-Verein für Gewerbe und Industrie Misburg-Anderten e.V. mit dem Motiv der Kampagne "Deine Stadt.Deine Lieblingsläden. Live und online."City of Hanover
From left: Helga Bretschneider, Lister Lieblinge e.V., Anja Ritschel, Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs of the City of Hanover and Roland Lüning, VGI-Verein für Gewerbe und Industrie Misburg-Anderten e.V. with the motif of the campaign "Deine Stadt.Deine Lieblingsläden. Live and online."

The city administration first launched the "Strengthen local trade" campaign for the 2022 Christmas season. Now the sequel is starting.

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State capital Hanover
Head of Local Economy, Portfolio Development and Sustainable Economic Development
Markus Berg
Head of Local Economy, Portfolio Development and Sustainable Economic Development
Department of Economics - Economic Development
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