Autumn conference transformation network new/car - "Skilled workers for the transformation - where to get them?"

On Thursday, November 9.November 2023,the major autumn conferenceof the transformation network neu/wagenwilltake place. The focus will be on the question"Skilled workers for the transformation - where to get them?".


free of charge

No successful transformation without the right specialists and employees -the challenge in the automotive and supplier industry can be broken down into this formula. The demands on future employees are many and varied: traditional products and services are still in demand, new technologies and business models need to be developed in parallel and the transformation also requires people with special skills to shape it.

Recruiting new employees and developing existing ones is a huge task, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Where do the skilled workers of today and tomorrow come from and what do companies have to offer them? What course have the "big players" in the industry already set and what can SMEs learn from this? To what extent can the existing shortage of labor and skilled workers be countered through internal training and targeted automation?"

Based on the (interim) results of a Prognos study commissioned by "neu/wagen", the fallconference invites you to look for solutions together in the network.

The conference is designed as a networkingevent: Meet the relevant players on site!


Registration and exhibition

Welcome to the new/car transformation offers


Moderation and introduction to the fall conference

Moderator Andreas Bosk



Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Department for Economics, Transport and Education,
Hanover Region


Keynote speech "The skills profiles of tomorrow"

Dr. Jonathan Eberle, Project Manager, Prognos AG


Keynote speech "Transformation solutions using the example of the Volkswagen Academy Hanover"

Olaf Böker, Head of Volkswagen Academy Hanover, Volkswagen AG


"Skilled workers for the transformation - where to get them?"

Panel discussion with

  • Dr. Jonathan Eberle,Prognos AG

  • Olaf Böker, Volkswagen Academy
  • Martin Brüning, Managing Director, IdeenExpo GmbH
  • Heike Döpke, Chairwoman of the Management Board, Hanover Employment Agency
  • Heike Hilmer-Börner, Managing Director, Hilmer GmbH CNC-Technik

Classification and outlook

  • Christoph Putzer, Head of Legal Advice Hildesheim, NiedersachsenMetall
  • Dr. Susanne Heyn, Second Authorized Representative, IG Metall Hannover
  • Dr.-Ing. Michael Merwart, Head of Transformation Network new/car

get together

Networking with all information about the transformation network neu/wagen in the exhibition and at the buffet

You will receive an e-mail with the latest information on the fall conference a few days before the event after registering.

Please contact us using the contact details below if required.

Clickhere to register


Campus Digitalization Pavilion 36, 5th avenue, 30521 routeLogo Google Maps

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Contact us

Hanover Region
Transformation network new/car

Hanover Region
Team Transformation Network new/car
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

Openevents from neu/wagenTerminfinder

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