"360 degrees - Successful dual virtual" project receives federal award

30.11.2023 - Young people with a history of migration set a good example
Bridge builders at VRECH

Hanover region. A showcase project has come to a great conclusion. The "360 Grad - Erfolgreich Dual virtuell" project shows how successful networking goes hand in hand with educational and integration activities. A success story that, together with nine other projects, was selected from more than 100 entries and awarded a prize by Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger on October 31. Background: For the first time, the federal government has awarded a prize for digital vocational orientation, the D-BOP Prize. The prize is awarded to innovative vocational training programs.

The aim of the project was to inform young people and young adults with experience of migration and flight about various training occupations at an early stage and to make it easier to choose a career by using virtual reality (VR). At the heart of the project was the creation of aninnovative learning workshop in which the participants, consisting of refugees in training, produced VR videos with real scenes from everyday working life. These VR explorations were in turn used specifically to make contact with young people looking for an apprenticeship and to convey job impressions.

A particular aim of the project was to specifically address women who are also interested in traditional male professions. The VR explorations deliberately broke down role stereotypes in the world of work in order to present a broad spectrum of career opportunities and arouse young people's curiosity. The project not only helped to prevent young people from dropping out of training, but also actively responded to the current refugee situation. Supported by a dedicated team of 25 bridge builders who are in or have successfully completed dual training, the learning workshop became a place of encounter and exchange.

The skills acquired should serve to encourage (future) trainees to
actively ask questions, assess situations and find solutions to problems. Our aim is to inspire people interested in training for the relevant professions and to prevent them from dropping out of training in the long term through social skills training.

The regional assembly will decide on a follow-up project in December.

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Hanover Region
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Christoph Borschel
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