Of course we train! Training campaign continues to pick up speed

Hannover Region. Matching supply and demand on the training market: This remains a challenge in the second year of the corona pandemic. With the two campaigns "Digga muss los! Ausbildung wartet." and "Klar bilden wir aus!" campaigns, the Regional Education Advisory Board sent a clear message to graduates and training companies last year. The aim: to bring both sides into contact and place them in training. The members of the Education Advisory Board are taking the "Summer of Vocational Training" proclaimed by the German government as an opportunity to continue and intensify their activities.
"The common goal is for as many young people as possible to start vocational training in a company this year. To this end, we want to make the existing offer even more visible and establish contact between companies and young people via all possible channels - especially digital ones due to the pandemic," explains Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs at the Hannover Region, which is in charge of the campaign.
The region had already invested around 50,000 euros in this at the start of the campaign last year, and is making the same amount available this year. Part of this will go towards the relaunch of the websitewww.ausbilden-lohnt-sich.deundand training marketing via social media. There is also a poster campaign and an ÜSTRA light rail vehicle with a campaign design.
Other players in the training campaign are the Hanover Employment Agency, the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Hanover Chamber of Skilled Crafts, the Hanover Region Job Center, the Hanover Employers' Association and the German Trade Union Federation.

Heike Döpke, Chairwoman of the Management Board at the Hanover Employment Agency: "Contrary to the national trend, we have a balanced ratio of applicants to training places in Hanover. Nevertheless, the training places and applicants must also be a good match. To make this even more successful, we are hosting 'Zukunftsstarter Hannover' on June 23. The virtual training fair for the Hannover Region is a good opportunity for pupils to get to know training companies and find the right offer for them - and a great platform for training companies to present their company and look for suitable young talent."
"Well-trained young people will be needed more urgently than ever in the Hannover Region in the coming years. In the IHK area alone, there are over 250 training occupations with excellent prospects," says MaikeBielfeldt, Managing Director of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and appeals to young people: "Don't put it off for too long, go to the companies now and start training straight away this year."

Karl-Wilhelm Steinmann, President of the Hanover Chamber of Skilled Crafts, points out the supply situation in the skilled trades sector: "Our member companies are currently still offering 670 apprenticeship vacancies for this year in the online apprenticeship exchange. During the coronavirus pandemic, the skilled trades sector has proven to be a stabilizer during the crisis and continues to offer secure apprenticeships and jobs. Our message to all school leavers: It's not too late. More than 60 different professions with great career opportunities are open to applicants. Apprenticeship contracts can still be concluded until October."
Olaf Brandes, Head of the Education Department at the General Employers' Association of Hanover, emphasizes how important it is for companies to promote young talent: "In the current situation, our companies are doing everything they can to overcome the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Above all, this means continuing to train young talent and investing in the skilled workers of tomorrow. After all, securing the next generation of skilled workers is the real task of the future."
TorstenHannig, Regional Managing Director of the German Trade Union Confederation, agrees: "We would like to encourage all young people to apply for an apprenticeship despite the difficult times. Those who are well trained today will secure a job for the future!"
Stefan Bode, Member of the Management Board of the Jobcenter Region Hannover, adds: "Not having a vocational qualification is a common reason for not having enough income to live on. That is why it is important to the Jobcenter Region Hannover that all young people successfully complete an apprenticeship. The training market offers many opportunities. And the Jobcenter offers young people a wide range of support to seize these opportunities."

The Regional Education Advisory Board, an association of important players in the transition from school to work in the Hannover Region, has set itself the task of further developing and bundling education, training and qualification measures. It is made up of over 20 institutions from the Hannover Region, including the Hannover Region, the Hannover Chamber of Crafts (HWK), the Hannover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), the Hannover Employment Agency, the Hannover Region Job Center, the General Employers' Association (AGV) Hannover und Umgebung e.V. and the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) Lower Saxony Central Region.
Press contact
Frauke Bittner
Press Officer - Tel. 0511 616-2 29 58 - mobile 0174 195 18 07E-Mailfrauke.bittner@region-hannover.de