Education and career coordination office

5 partners from the region concluded a cooperation agreement at the end of 2010 to jointly promote the further development of the education sector in the Hannover Region. In addition to the Hannover Region, the state capital of Hannover, the municipalities of Garbsen and Pattensen, as well as the towns and municipalities in the region, the following partners support the cooperation on education and careers:
Hannover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), Hannover Chamber of Crafts, Hannover Employment Agency, JobCenter Region Hannover, NBank Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen, Allgemeine Arbeitgebervereinigung Hannover und Umgebung e.V., DGB Region Niedersachsen Mitte, Regionales Landesamt für Schule und Bildung, Berufsbildende Schulen in der Region Hannover, SchuleWirtschaft - Niedersachsen and Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wohlfahrtsverbände Region Hannover.
The aim of the cooperation agreement is to further develop and strengthen the Hannover Region as a business location through education and training. The partners are represented on a regional education advisory board, which discusses key issues and supports the partners in their work. The first step is to improve training and employment opportunities for young people and adults.
The priority development areas are therefore identified in dialog with local stakeholders in order to achieve a more successful design of transitions - especially the transition from school to work.
Together with the operational partners in the specialist departments and the regional players, the projects and measures in the Hannover Region are to be supported and the relevant information provided for all network partners.
The tasks of the coordination office at a glance:
- Networking of cooperation partners and individual stakeholders
- Coordination of educational opportunities and dovetailing of activities to improve young people's career prospects and secure the supply of skilled workers
- Development of a joint education strategy for the Hannover Region
- Information on offers and contacts on the subject of education and careers
- Planning, organization and moderation of specialist forums and regional education conferences
- Conceptual work in the field of education and integration
Contact us
Katharina Goethe
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion