EnergieTag Hannover 2024 for companies: The roadmap to the energy transition

31.05.2024.The energy transition is not only an essential contribution to environmental protection, but also a strategic decision that strengthens companies in the long term and makes them future-proof. The earlier companies embark on this path, the better equipped they are to master the challenges and opportunities of a sustainable economy. The joint Energy Day organized by hannoverimpuls and the Sparkasse, which was attended by over 120 participants, once again made this clear.

Energy transformation offers companies essential benefits
The panel discussions and subsequent DeepDive sessions made it clear that companies can significantly reduce their operating costs by optimizing their energy consumption and using renewable energy. Sustainable companies position themselves as future-oriented and innovative, which gives them a competitive advantage. In addition, stricter environmental legislation requires sustainable practices, and customers and investors are placing increasing emphasis on sustainability. Renewable energy also offers more stability and security compared to fossil fuels, which helps to minimize risk.

Energy transformation - but how?
Companies face three key challenges in the energy transition: Investing in renewable energies, integrating new technologies and informing all stakeholders. Support services in the Hannover Region, such as funding program consulting, networking events and energy consulting, help companies with implementation.

Comprehensive energy inventory as the first step towards the energy transition
This involves determining current energy consumption, identifying potential savings and planning investment decisions. A structured master plan with realistic targets and detailed planning is crucial for success.

Advice & funding opportunities
The joint Energy Day organized by hannoverimpuls and Sparkasse Hannover provided an overview of the options for sustainable energy supply and use. Following the stage program, which was designed by experts and innovative start-ups from the region, participants took the opportunity to clarify their individual questions in one-on-one discussions. Expert contacts were on hand to offer comprehensive advice and provide information on a wide range of funding opportunities. Funding and networks, such as the proKlima Fund and the Federal Fund for Energy Efficiency in the Economy (EEW), offer financial support. Public relations and networking are also key to successfully communicating and implementing the energy transition. Reporting standards such as the German Sustainability Code (DNK) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) help to document sustainability performance transparently.

Concrete implementation and best practices required
The results of the Energy Day show: Best practices and concrete examples are needed to encourage as many companies as possible to embrace the energy transition. One example from Energy Day 2024 of the successful implementation of the energy transition is Sparkasse Hannover, which has been carbon-neutral since 2021. A third of its electricity requirements are covered by solar energy, while the remainder is covered by green electricity. This shows that sustainability makes economic sense. In addition, the Sparkasse offsets employees' commutes to work with certificates and supports sustainable projects in the region.

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