"My city. My ideas. My future"

25.04.2023 - A world full of improvers! Education initiative Nachwuchskraft shapes the city of tomorrow with pupils.
Schüler:innen aus dem Projekt „Bessermacher:in“, das Team von Nachwuchskraft sowie Alexander Skubowius, Fachbereichsleiter Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung der Region Hannover, und Hanno Gieseke, Ausbildungsleiter Deutschland Continental AG.
Pupils from the "Bessermacher:in" project, the team from Nachwuchskraft as well as Alexander Skubowius, Head of Economic and Employment Promotion in the Hannover Region, and Hanno Gieseke, Head of Training at Continental AG Germany.
  • What makes a "smart city"?
  • How does this change the way we live together?
  • And what do those who will still be living in the city the day after tomorrow actually want from it?

Pupils are thinking about this in the "Bessermacher:in" project, which was initiated by the NachwuchsKraft initiative. They will present the ideas they have developed in the form of prototypes at this year's Smart City Dayson 27 & 28 June,where a jury will award prizes for the most exciting approaches and the students will also help to shape the rest of the program.

Whether AI-controlled shopping facilities in front of school buildings, an interactive and warming bus stop, automated material dispensers for break times, city portraits via Minecraft or a mental health program for students - the first ideas from the ongoing project are already very promising.

The concept of the "smart city" describes how cities and municipalities can harness advancing digitalization for sustainable urban development geared towards the common good.

Areas such as housing, health, energy and, last but not least, work will be more sustainable, liveable, efficient and networked in the city of the future. While the state capital of Hanover and the Hanover region are increasingly looking for intelligent solutions for this topic, it has so far received too little attention in many schools.

This is exactly where the current project comes in. "Bessermacher:in" is a practice-based intensive training course that has been running at four selected regional schools (Goetheschule Hannover, Helene-Lange-Schule, Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium Berenbostel and Gymnasium Mellendorf) since February 1, 2023.

Guided by experienced coaches and working hand in hand with corporate partners such as Continental, Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, KIND and Stadtwerke Garbsen, young people in year 11 develop concepts relating to the "city of the future". In doing so, they get to know the working world of today, but also of tomorrow, which they often have little knowledge of.

"The world of work is constantly changing, and today's students are constantly facing new challenges. This makes it all the more important to set the course now and actively teach them crucial skills for the future."
Alexander Skubowius, Head of the Economic and Employment Promotion Department of the Hannover Region

By independently developing ideas for solutions to major issues such as housing,
health, energy and mobility, they can test important skills and abilities such as creativity, problem-solving and initiative, which will be essential for their future working life. The students are active idea developers and designers.

Last but not least, the visions and the power of young talent should be used to create impulses for real projects and offers and thus strengthen Hanover as a location in the future.

"It is important for young people to get an idea of how they can use their own skills to help shape the world. The Bessermacher*in project playfully opens up ways to creatively engage with technical solutions to current issues and recognize their own potential in the process. We are happy to support this."
Rita Maria Rzyski, Head of the Department for Family, Youth and Education of the City of Hanover

The participating students particularly appreciate the fact that they receive the support they need to get actively involved:

"This project has made me realize for the first time that I can really make a difference. I and others have lots of ideas, but here I am supported in getting into action and really implementing things," says Hanna D. (16) from Mellendorf secondary school.

"As one of the largest employers in the Hanover region, we at Continental take our social responsibility seriously. We see ourselves as paving the way for a successful professional future for young people. We not only focus on training at Continental, but also support initiatives such as the Bessermacher:in project. It is important to us to shape the world of tomorrow together with the younger generation. Because when it comes to issues such as environmental and climate protection, we can achieve a lot together with clever ideas."
Hanno Gieseke, Head of Training Germany at Continental AG, believes that companies also have a duty in this regard

After last year's success, when around 1,000 schoolchildren attended the Smart City Days, there will be a varied program on27.& 28 June 2023, there willonce againbe a diverse program on the "smart city"around Opernplatz. Innovative companies and institutions invite you to take part in exciting hands-on activities, workshops, exhibitions, lectures and dialog formats. Everything will revolve around the "smart city" and the topic will be made tangible and tangible for students from year 9 onwards. They get to know specific projects, develop their own ideas and visions and learn important skills for the future.

The results of the "Bessermacher:in" project will also be exhibited as part of the Smart City Days 2023. The students will present their self-developed smart solutions for a wide range of social challenges.

"Nachwuchskraft - Die Bildungsoffensive" is an association of regional companies and institutions initiated by the Digitales Hannover e.V. association. NachwuchsKraft offers a strong network of experts and partners. Its aim is to support schools and teachers, as they often lack the necessary resources and time to prepare pupils for the future in an increasingly fast-changing world.

"With NachwuchsKraft, we support schools in the Hanover region with workshops, a wide range of offers and events in the practical training of relevant future skills. In this way, we get students ready for the next level - and promote tomorrow's improvers today."
Project manager Kai Schirmeyer
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