robotics on the road to success

03.02.2023 - Robotics goes international: Hanover-based company "voraus robotik" cooperates with Munich-based "Agile Robots" at CobotYu.
Yu in action - with software from voraus robotik

The Munich-based high-tech company "Agile Robots" and the Hanover-based deep-tech start-up "voraus robotik" are shaking hands and heading into the future together. In future, they will work closely together in the cobot sector: "Agile Robots", the first "robotics unicorn", produces and sells the CobotYuand"voraus robotik" is consistently focusing on software development. Together, they are conquering international markets - beyond the borders of Hanover.

"With Agile Robots, we have found a strong partner for the cobot 'Yu', which we previously developed as the company "Yuanda Robotics". We have now changed focus and, with "voraus robotik", have completed the transformation to a pure software company that develops solutions for manufacturers, integrators and end customers.the partnership enables us to make our technology core even smarter and our application layer for developing customer-centric solutions even more flexible."
Dr. Jens Kotlarski, founder and CEO of voraus robotik
© ahead robotics
The founding team of "voraus robotik": from left to right Philipp Georgi, Tobias Ortmaier, Jens Kotlarski

The CobotYuis the focus of the collaboration between the two companies. It is a universally deployable cobot with human-like senses. "Agile Robots has acquired the hardware, including all safety-relevant components for the cobot, from voraus robotik, thus laying the foundations for a long-term and sustainable partnership.

Start of production of the firstYU cobots in Germany in early 2023

The firstYu cobots will roll off the production line at the Agile Robots plant in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, from the beginning of 2023 - initially for the European market and later worldwide. To this end, the company is driving forward product development and securing the supply chain. In this way, cost-efficient, industrial production is established in Germany.

Meanwhile, "voraus robotik" is constantly expanding the functionality of theYuandintegrating its generic control software. Overall, the two companies work together continuously to further develop their own technologies in line with the high market requirements. In this way, they offer the necessary customer support and, as partners, are moving strongly into the future and the world - from Hanover.

"The Robotics City network has played a decisive role in enabling our Hanover start-up 'voraus robotik' to enter into this international co-production. This development shows once again that the Hannover Region, together with strong partners, is increasingly developing into a robotics hotspot with national and now global appeal"
Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, Hannover Region
"This partnership is a strong start for us. In addition to other ongoing collaborations, such as with the internationally active Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH, we are also currently in talks and negotiations with other companies in order to further establish our activities beyond the borders of Robotics City."
Dr. Jens Kotlarski, CEO voraus Robotik

You can find out more about the activities of voraus robotik and the Robotics City Hannover network at the 12th Robotics Congress of the Technology Academy of Deutsche Messe on February 7 and 8

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