Founding story May 2022 - Sustainable clothing for men

Daniel Klimke loves fashion. But not just any clothes. He likes clothes that are sustainable and durable. "Change the industry - save the planet" is his vision, with which he founded in 2020. The online store offers fashion for men who consciously choose brands whose production processes are fair and environmentally friendly.

The range includes jackets, pullovers, hoodies and sweaters, T-shirts, polo shirts, caps and hats, underwear and even rucksacks and hipbags. In other words, everything a man needs for everyday life. The carefully selected brands come from Denmark, Sweden and Germany and have the "Fair Wear Foundation" seal, among others.

Daniel, how did the idea of opening an online store for men's fashion come about?

That was a long process. Every spring I realize that I need new T-shirts. Like many other men, I don't feel like searching for long. I wanted a store that offered everything I like: a selection of brands that produce sustainably and counteract the otherwise harmful cheap products of the textile industry. As I couldn't find such an offer and I had always dreamed of being self-employed, I founded my own company. In doing so, I am closing a gap. I offer a selection that is vegan and durable and does not harm the environment or the producers. Especially as a family man, I wanted to take responsibility for our planet. My motto is therefore: it's better to buy less, but better.

Who is your target group?

Men between the ages of 25 and 55, with around half of the orders coming from women. Typical for orders in my online store: If they like an item, they buy it in a different color at the same time. This is possibly one of the reasons for the pleasingly low returns rate. Incidentally, I pack my products in used cardboard boxes that I get from my office neighbors.

How did you cope with corona?

I founded the company in the middle of the Corona period. Before that, I was HR manager in an online company for years. I am an industrial clerk and studied business administration. So of course I have some professional experience. As I did everything on my own at the beginning, I had my hands full in the first year: Selecting fashion brands, visiting manufacturers, putting together collections, setting up a website with design and marketing, logistics and financing. I would have had to do that even without Corona. Now everything is in place and the orders are increasing every day!

What are your tips for other people interested in starting a business?

Bring time with you. It takes time to achieve brand visibility online. Don't despair. I gave myself three years to grow organically and sustainably.

Contact details:
Davenstedter Str. 60 / 30453 Hanover
Phone: +49 (0) 511 37381307
E-mail: /

Daniel Klimke on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:

I needed an "expert body" for an expert opinion in order to be able to apply for a start-up loan. I ended up at hannoverimpuls, who provided me with excellent help in all matters. If I were to rate them online, I would give them five out of five stars! They took the time to think about my project - and I took away some important ideas from the mutual exchange and implemented them later.

Marcus Rohde, Project Manager Start-up and Entrepreneurship at hannoverimpuls, on the collaboration with Daniel Klimke:

Daniel's idea fits in well with the times. More and more people are attaching importance to sustainability. And many men find shopping for clothes locally rather tiresome. If "man" can find everything in one online store, all the better! We are convinced that the store will continue to develop positively.

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