Founding story December 2021 - voxasound GmbH

How did the idea come about?
I am hearing impaired myself, make music and have a passion for listening to music in really good sound quality. But that's not so easy with a hearing impairment. Even good hearing aids usually only cover the speech range and can't deliver what I want - rich bass, balanced mids and crystal-clear sound. I used to build amplifiers and loudspeakers myself and tried out all sorts of things. This passion has now turned into a profession.
What is special about your product?
A hearing test is carried out in advance using our app to record all the highs and lows. The data is then stored in our small box called "ProTon plus" or directly in our new "Soundix" headphones. The music can be played via any source and the box can also be easily connected to stereo systems, soundbars and other sources. Our innovative sound algorithms create a sound quality that is individually tailored to each user.
Has Corona affected the development of your product?
Yes and no. Due to delays with suppliers, we have brought forward the development of our app. It is now ready. We have also launched a research project with Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. This is about senior citizens who can also benefit from our technology. We also developed the headphones during this time. Our technology is fully integrated into them. They are now coming onto the market just in time for Christmas.
What are your tips for other founders?
Take part, ask questions and apply for start-up grants. I particularly enjoyed "Fit4Chef". You get to know exciting people who all have similar topics and you get a lot of valuable input for calculations, schedules and everything else you need. Look for a cool team with different focuses, because that's what investors like!
Andreas Grundei on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:
I have benefited a lot from hannoverimpuls. Be it through consultant days and start-up evenings and, above all, through our participation in the Startup-Impuls competition in 2017 and 2018. I took part in Fit4Chef, got advice on funding - and received it, took part in Plug & Work and Innovation+ and was a tenant at the Technology Center for a long time. You can't really do more than that.
Katrin Gehrke, Head of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM at hannoverimpuls, on Andreas Grundei and his team:
voxasound was a tenant in our building until 2021. It's always great to see how "our" companies develop. We support each of our tenants with advice and assistance, put them in touch with consultants and/or investors, help them relocate within the building if they want to expand their space, for example, and much more. voxasound also benefited from this during the multi-year rental period.
Contact details
voxasound GmbH
Andreas Grundei
Hildesheimer Str. 49
30880 Laatzen
Phone: 0160 / 93420425