Fashion born pop-up store in Hanover

The Fashion Born in Hannover pop-up store opens in the former Hannover 96 fan store.
PopUp-Store Fashion born in Hannover_Nienaber_Franz_Kaczmarek_Foto Bittner_Region Hannover

The Fashion born in Hanover pop-up store is opening its doors to interested parties for the third time. From June 4, regional designers and labels will be presenting their products in Hanover's city center.

After months of stores not being allowed to open, a special kind of store will open in Hanover's city centre on 4 June: fashion, accessories, interior design, stationery and other regional products will find their way into the city centre, which is otherwise dominated by large companies in the fashion industry. For three weeks, visitors will be able to see just how diverse the local fashion, textile and design industry is.

The pop-up store opens on June 4, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. and closes after three weeks on June 26, 2021. The opening hours are Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The pop-up store will feature products from over 25 designers in the former Hannover 96 fan store. This is made possible by Café am Kröpcke with Managing Director Christian Schulz, who rents out the space. Previous tenant Hannover 96 is a major supporter of the store: they are making their equipment available to the Fashion born in Hannover pop-up store.

PopUp-Store Fashion born in Hannover_Nienaber_Franz_Kaczmarek_Foto Bittner_Region HannoverHanover Region
PopUp-Store Fashion born in Hannover_Nienaber_Franz_Kaczmarek_Foto Bittner_Region Hannover

The concept and design of the store were also developed in collaboration with regional experts and thus reflect the special feature of the cooperation project "Integrative Fashion Location Hannover Region", which is carried out by the kreHtiv Network Hannover together with UNTER EINEM DACH gUG and funded by the Hannover Region with €56,000.

Ulf Birger-Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, sees the potential of this project:

"Hanover's fashion scene is creative and diverse: more than 500 fashion designers live and work in the Hanover region and we have four successful fashion schools here. An important economic factor that we want to make more visible. It is therefore important for us to support projects like this and offer new talent a platform."

At the same time, the pop-up store offers the opportunity to try out new usage concepts for city centers. Not least due to the coronavirus pandemic, retail is increasingly shifting to the digital world and attracting fewer people to city centers. New concepts that turn city centers back into places of experience will make them more attractive again for the region's citizens.

In addition to sales, also information on regional fashion

There is an area in the store that provides information on regional and sustainable fashion as well as labels, training opportunities and other areas of Hanover's fashion scene. At the same time, visitors can write down their ideas for the city center of the future and make them visible.

"With the store, we are demonstrating an alternative concept for revitalizing city centres. The pop-up store is not just a fashion store, but a place for information, awareness-raising and experience," says Christine Preitauer from the krHtiv network in Hanover.

In addition to selling regional products and providing information about sustainable fashion, there will also be other side events that give people an understanding of the value of clothing, such as workshops on upcycling or repairing damaged items of clothing. In addition, there will always be at least two designers on site to talk to customers and show them what makes their fashion so special. Further information on dates can also be found on the website of Fashion born in

Press contact

Frauke Bittner

Press spokeswoman - Tel. 0511 616- 22958 - Mobile 0174 195 18 07

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