Relaunch of the online training exchange azubi21

Hannover Region. More than 1,000 registered companies, around 200 hits per day: the online training exchange, which was launched in 2015 by the region's economic development agency, is now being used successfully.
"A new, fresh look, new additional functions and new opportunities for communication between users."
summarizes Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, the innovations that were presented to politicians in the Committee for Economic and Employment Promotion today (01 July).
"Over the past six years, our training exchange has been a real success story and has established itself on the training market and with companies," says Franz.
Jürgen Hansen, who is responsible for the relaunch in the region, explains what is planned: "Due to requests from companies about the lack of opportunities toexchange ideaswith other companies via the, this suggestion was taken up and a 'community area' was set up.
"Now trainers can network quickly and easily, ask questions and exchange information material. A second new feature is the 'News and dates' section. "This is where the Hannover Region, as the operator, can publish event information. Interesting news relating to the topic of training will also find a place here and will be visible to registered companies," explains Hansen.
With the relaunch, companies can look forward to a more user-friendly structure and navigation as well as a so-called 'community exchange'. All offers on the platform remain free of charge and interested students are not required to register.
"The current range of available internships and apprenticeships, dual study programs and school-based training opportunities will remain the same. There are also links to the training exchanges of the IHK, HWK and the employment agency," says Hansen.
Interested companies can register atwww.azubi21.dekostenfrei.
Press contact
Christoph Borschel
Press spokesman - Tel. 0511 616- 22260 - Mobile 0162 366 15
Contact us
Jürgen Hansen
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion