
I am very happy with my decision. Thanks to my practical experience through self-employment, I was able to gain my first insights into the world of online marketing. That's why I decided to go for a full-time position. Even without an academic or vocational degree, I was offered a full-time position in marketing. My decision offers me the opportunity to take an external training exam after six months.
After a lot of research on the Internet, I became aware of the Hannover Region program.
Personal and goal-oriented advice
I expected targeted and personal advice; my expectations were absolutely fulfilled. I immediately implemented the recommendations and tips that were given to me.
I mainly used the program to get tips and tricks from experts, but also to make new contacts with HR managers from various companies.
Personal and individual advice is very important, as you can obtain information, contacts and personal feedback from experts. These are the alternatives on the job market. Many young people are not aware of the different career paths.
For this reason, a consultation is highly recommended.
Jeremy (28, 10/2020, expert examination/direct entry as a marketing communications specialist, Hanover)
"Umsteigen statt Aussteigen" is a project of the Leine-Weser skilled labor alliance and the Hanover region, funded by the European Social Fund.
Contact us
Marcus Voitel
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion