Hannover Region supports hydrogen training program

08.08.2022 - There are currently only a few specialized study programs that deal with the hydrogen economy. Establishing the necessary skills for the broad use of hydrogen early and comprehensively in the economic area is a basic prerequisite for realizing the energy transition. The program for this was presented today at the Hannover Messe, and the region is providing 50,000 euros in funding.

The energy transition has long since begun, and traditional fossil fuels are outstripping what our planet is capable of producing. Alongside solar and wind power, green hydrogen is a key component of the energy transition. It can play its part in drastically reducing the consumption of natural gas or crude oil and replacing them in the long term.

Hanover Region
Generation H2 hydrogen initiative

Not least for this reason, the Hannover Region has initiated the"Generation H2" network. Here, ideas are exchanged between politicians, companies and scientists and projects are developed that revolve around the topic of hydrogen.

An important part of this is to establish the necessary skills early and comprehensively in the economic area. This is because there are currently only a few specialized courses that deal with the hydrogen economy. However, it is precisely these kinds of qualifications for skilled workers that will be important in the coming years.

The German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) expects up to70,000 additional jobs inthis field by 2030.

An increasing demand for skilled workers is therefore also to be expected for the Hannover Region.

At the Hannover Messe, the C3L - Center for Lifelong Learning at the University of Oldenburg, together with Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES as a scientific partner, will now be presenting an in-service training course for the first time from September 2022.

The project "In-service training program - hydrogen for specialists and managers" is co-financed by the Hannover Region with 50,000 euros.

Head of Economic Affairs Ulf-Birger Franz:

"We are convinced that hydrogen is a key technology. We can already see that today, for example in the area of public transport. But there is certainly more to be done, which is why every euro that we as the Hannover Region are now investing in the further training of specialists in this field is a good investment threefold: We are ensuring a clean climate, supporting the further education of our citizens and positioning ourselves as a sustainable economic region."

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Hanover Region
Press spokesman
Christoph Borschel
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