Building Energy Act (GEG) and Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) - Obligations and funding for non-residential buildings

Everything you need to know about obligations and funding opportunities for companiesat the free online information event organized by the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony (KEAN).


free of charge

The Building Energy Act (GEG), also known as the Heating Act, came into force on January 1, 2024. Among other things, it prescribes obligations that specifically affect non-residential buildings and therefore companies.

As part of the online event on 10.04.2024 from 9:00 - 11: 00 a.m., lawyers Dr. Franziska Lietz and Jacqueline Anni Rothkopf from the energy law firm RITTER GENT COLLEGEN will provide information on the legal innovations and obligations of the GEG. Eckard von Schwerin from KfW Bankengruppe will then shed light on the BEG's funding opportunities for non-residential buildings.

09:00 a.m.: Welcome
Neele Birnbaum, Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony

09:05 a.m.: The Building Energy Act and its obligations for companies
Dr. Franziska Lietz and Jacqueline Anni Rothkopf, RITTER GENT COLLEGEN Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

10:00 a.m.: Federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG)
Eckard von Schwerin, KfW Bankengruppe

11:00 am: End


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