Low CO2 process heat

The online serieson renewable process heat fromKlimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen GmbH starts in mid-September and comprises three events - on steam generation, forming technology and drying.

OnSeptember20,the focus will be on process heatfor steam generation. Steam is used in many different ways in industry. Important fields of application are in the paper, textile, food and chemical industries as well as in refineries, where steam between 100 and 500 °C is required. There are various ways to decarbonize steam generation. Which technology is used depends on the end application and the specific requirements in terms of pressure and temperature, for example.

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On24.September,the focus will be on process heatin forming technology. This technology is mainly used for metals and their alloys such as steel, aluminum, copper, titanium or nickel-based alloys, but also for other materials such as wood. With regard to CO2 emissions, the metal industry has a special role to play in forming technology. There are various ways to decarbonize process heat for forming processes. Participants at the event will be given an overview of this as well as a new fact sheet.

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OnSeptember27,the focus will be on process heatin drying processes. Industrial drying is used in many areas, for example in the food, textile, paper, pharmaceutical and chemical industries as well as in wastewater treatment and agriculture. The various industrial drying technologies offer a wide range of possibilities for reducing CO2.

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This is a joint series of the energy agencies of the states of Lower Saxony (KEAN), Hesse (LEA) and Thuringia (ThEGA) - in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Alliance for Sustainability (NAN), the local business development agency and the regional energy agency.

An application has been submitted for the event to be credited towards the extension of the entry in the list of energy efficiency experts for federal funding programs.

The Hannover Region Economic Development Agency supports the event as a local cooperation partner.

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Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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