e.coBizz: Green Action Lab - Developing sustainable visions with Lego Serious Plays
Visions of the future towards climate neutralitySeries of events/ date 3 of 3
free of charge
Are you about to finish your studies or have you already completed them?
Would you like to stay and work in the Hannover Region?
The event is aimed in particular at students and graduates from non-EU countries who have a residence permit in accordance with § 16 AufenthG.
Get to know the advice and support services in Hanover and receive information on the following topics:
From 17.00 hrs
Afterwards until 7.30 p.m. time to clarify individual questions at information stands
The event is aimed in particular at students and graduates from non-EU countries who have a residence permit in accordance with Section 16 of the Residence Act.
From 5 pm
After that till 7.30 pm. Clarification of individual questions at information stands
An event organized by the Fachkräfteallianz Hannover in German and English.
Agentur für Arbeit Hannover, BiZ-Saal, entrance via Escherstrasse 17, 30159 Hannover.
You can reach the location by bus: lines 300, 500 and 700, stop "Steintor" or by streetcar or subway: lines 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 17, stop "Steintor".