Want to stay - can you stay? Starting your career after graduation in Germany

Successful career entry in Germany after graduation.


free of charge

Are you about to finish your studies or have you already completed them?

Would you like to stay and work in the Hannover Region?

The event is aimed in particular at students and graduates from non-EU countries who have a residence permit in accordance with § 16 AufenthG.

Get to know the advice and support services in Hanover and receive information on the following topics:

  • Residence and immigration law
  • Job placement
  • Best Practice
  • Financial security
  • Application


From 17.00 hrs

  • Welcome by Ms. Heike Döpke, Chairwoman of the Management Board, Hanover Employment Agency
  • Students and skilled workers (Immigration Office of the City of Hanover)
  • Interview on good practice examples for career entry

Afterwards until 7.30 p.m. time to clarify individual questions at information stands

  • Employment agency (job placement, careers advice)
  • Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Career Center)
  • Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (tailor-made staffing)
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover (Career Service)
  • City of Hanover (Aliens Department - Right of Residence)
  • Hannover Region (Team Brückenbauer*innen, Co-Office Women & Career)
  • Studentenwerk Hannover (financial security between studying and starting work)
  • Study support program "STUBE Niedersachsen" (additional qualification and career entry support)
  • Cooperation Center Universities and Trade Unions Hanover - Hildesheim

The event is aimed in particular at students and graduates from non-EU countries who have a residence permit in accordance with Section 16 of the Residence Act.

From 5 pm

  • Welcome by Heike Döpke, Chair of the management board of the employement agency Hannover
  • Students and Professionals (Department of Foreigner Registration - Rights of Residence, State Capital City Hannover)
  • Interview to Success stories so far to offer great advice and guidance to students and graduates who are just starting out in their career.

After that till 7.30 pm. Clarification of individual questions at information stands

  • Chamber of Industry and Commerce Hanover (tailor-made staffing)
  • employment agency Hanover
  • Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Career Center)
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover (Career Service)
  • State Capital City Hannover (Department of Foreigner Registration - Rights of Residence)
  • Hannover Region (Peer- learning program bridge builder, Coordination Office for Woman and Career)
  • Student Union Hanover
  • "STUBE Niedersachsen" (Additional qualification and support of career entry)
  • Cooperation Center for Universities and Trade Unions Hanover - Hildesheim
Logo Fachkräfteallianz

An event organized by the Fachkräfteallianz Hannover in German and English.


Agentur für Arbeit Hannover, BiZ-Saal, entrance via Escherstrasse 17, 30159 Hannover.

You can reach the location by bus: lines 300, 500 and 700, stop "Steintor" or by streetcar or subway: lines 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 17, stop "Steintor".


Employment Agency, Brühlstraße 4, 30159 routeLogo Google Maps

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EventsOpenevent finder

Hanover Region

Workshop: Success Factor Sales & Marketing - Part 2

Series of events/ date 3 of 3
How can we successfully meet current challenges such as preventing customer churn, acquiring new customers, successful cross-selling and dynaxity?

25.09.2024 from 09:00 to 13:00
House of Economic Development, Vahrenwalder Straße 7, 30165 Hanover
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