Why we all benefit from female investors! Networking for those interested in investing
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There is still great inequality: only5% of high-tech start-ups arefounded by women alone. When acquiring venture capital, female founders encounter predominantly male investors and are confronted with demonstrably different questions when presenting their ideas. According to the figures, their efforts are not rewarded either, as only around2% of venture capital currently goes to women. In addition, of theapproximately 33% of women who prefer angel investments as a form of financing, only 7% actually receive financing. In order for female start-ups to have the same opportunities, we need more diversity in the financing landscape. And that means more female investors!
Diversity is a key factor for innovation and essential for a sustainable future.
Our Impulse SpeakersSvenjaLassen (Gateway Ventures)andFatimeCetinkaya (Cekaso GmbH)will each give us an insight into their experiences with private investments in female start-ups. What was and is their motivation to invest? What opportunities and risks do they see? How can promising female startups be selected? How does a deal work?
Join us, ask questions about investments and get to know other exciting investors and networks!
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Dr. Jana Lenze
hannoverimpuls GmbH