Successful integration: Bennigsen car dealership hires Tunisian automotive mechatronics technician

23.09.2024 - Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH has successfully recruited a car mechatronics technician from Tunisia with the help of the Welcome Center Region Hannover and integrated him into the company.
Tornike Murtskhavaladze, Leiter des Welcome Center Region Hannover, KFZ-Mechatroniker Mohamed Chamakh und Michael Erben, Geschäftsführer vom Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH.
Tornike Murtskhavaladze, Head of the Welcome Center Region Hannover, automotive mechatronics technician Mohamed Chamakh and Michael Erben, Managing Director of Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH.

Skills shortage at the dealership

Hanover Region

Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH has been a Renault dealer since 1959, making it one of the oldest dealerships in the Hanover region. From October 1, 2024, the dealership will separate from the car brand and become an independent workshop. The group of regular customers is large and has grown over decades. Due to the good, customer-oriented and reliable work, customers come to Bennigsen from Hanover, Hildesheim and Hameln, among other places. Managing Director Michael Erben has been working in the business himself since 1986 and, together with his brother, manages 8 employees. Special attention is paid to the individual skills of each employee and a person-oriented approach is taken.

After the coronavirus pandemic, the effects of the shortage of skilled workers have been particularly noticeable. Working from home and flexible working hours have gained enormous attention and attractiveness in society. As a car mechatronics technician and in other practical work activities, working from home is not possible, which is why these professions have lost popularity. In addition, the understanding of work has changed.

Michael Erben received 180 contacts from the employment agency from people who had a qualification as a car mechatronics technician but were unemployed at the time. Of these 180 contacts, the dealership received 0 applications.

Recruitment by Welcome Center and THAMM

In cooperation with the Welcome Center Region Hannover and theTHAMMprogram, Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH has recruited automotive mechatronics technician Mohamed Chamakh from Tunisia as a new specialist for their company. Chamakh has been working at the dealership since February 2, 2024.

The THAMM program of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH provides support for regular labour migration and mobility between North Africa and Europe. In Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, the population is growing rapidly, while employment opportunities are lacking. Qualifications often do not meet the requirements of the labor markets, which puts a strain on the economy. However, fair and safe labor migration offers important professional and economic opportunities. Young people can acquire new skills and increase their employability through training or employment in Germany and the EU. In addition, the countries of origin benefit from expanded job prospects, knowledge transfer and long-term economic cooperation. The aim is to establish sustainable and development-oriented labor migration between third countries and Europe.

New specialist supports the team

Hanover Region

The Bennigsen dealership initially recruited a specialist from Morocco on its own, for whom the recruitment process was very lengthy and took over a year. As the order situation still required additional staff, Mr. Erben searched the Internet for skilled workers every evening. After many sleepless nights, he came across the Welcome Center Region Hannover and contacted Tornike Murtskhvaladze. Thanks to the support, the car dealership did not have to face new challenges alone when recruiting and integrating a new specialist. In a video meeting coordinated by the Welcome Center, Michael Erben and Mohamed Chamakh, who was referred by the THAMM project, met for the first time and immediately hit it off.

The Welcome Center Region Hannover was particularly helpful in recruiting the skilled worker and assisting with the recruitment process,and our expert Tornike Murtskhavaladze also provided support in finding accommodation, coordinating official appointments and taking out health insurance.The recruitment of skilled workers from third countries works and can be a solution to the shortage of skilled workers.

"Everyone is afraid of change or the unknown. In short - don't hold on to old times and moan, but move with the times and break new ground. Don't be afraid of new challenges - thanks to the Hannover Region and the Welcome Center."
Michael Erben, Managing Director of Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH

A positive future awaits

Mohamed Chamakh has been living in Germany since the end of January 2024 and has been employed at the Bennigsen car dealership since February 2, 2024. He has been given an apartment in Springe, which is in a quiet residential area and close to his place of work. In his free time, he enjoys going for walks, driving into the city center of Hanover or visiting friends in Frankfurt. Chamakh has been working as a car mechatronics technician in Tunisia since 2016 and can now continue this work in the Hanover region in a safe and, in his opinion, orderly working environment. He particularly likes the great team and the understanding atmosphereand is very grateful for the opportunity he has been given by Autohaus Bennigsen GmbH and the Welcome Center Region Hannover.Chamakh has already learned a lot in Germany and has expanded his skills in welding and electronics on cars.

Mohamed Chamakh currently has partial recognition of his qualification. While working in Germany, he is now catching up on the missing knowledge and will then apply for full recognition from the Hanover Chamber of Crafts with the help of his employer.

Autohaus Bennigsen attaches greatimportance to community and a good team spirit, which is why the Christmas party is held every year at Mr. Erben's home with all employees. Chamakh also has the opportunity to use an employer's car for more than just work as soon as he has obtained his driving license in Germany. Erben wants to offer him more freedom by providing his employees with the dealership's insured and freely available cars. Erben would also like to send Mr. Chamakh to further training courses. This will allow him to continue his education and make new contacts.

The Welcome Center Region Hannover is planning an exchange meeting in the near future for all skilled workers who have come to the Hannover Region through the THAMM project. This will allow the newly arrived skilled workers to make contacts and exchange experiences. An exchange meeting is also planned for the employers who have employed these skilled workers.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of Welcome Center
Tornike Murtskhvaladze
Head of Welcome Center
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion

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