Environmentally conscious training: Hydrogen for specialists and managers

How can companies make their contribution to the energy transition? - The "Hydrogen for specialists and managers" project, whichis funded by the Hannover Region's Economic and Employment Promotion Agency, among others, trains qualified specialists for the use of green hydrogen in companies. The aim of the training program is to develop and pilot a qualification program for the hydrogen economy in Lower Saxony.
Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) are jointly running the training program. Under the leadership of Dr. Ruggero Capperucci, the project has not only been contributingto the success of the energy transition in Lower Saxony since September 2022, but also to strengtheningthe business location.

Dr. Capperucci, you have been in charge of the continuing education program since March 2022. - Who is the program aimed at and what are the focal points?
The program is aimed at professionals who come into contact with the various aspects of renewable energies in their field of work or who want to acquire the necessary know-how for their work in these areas. Our target group is broadly diversified. It is aimed at technicians working for industry as well as insurance and banking professionals who need to be able to assess the potential and risks of hydrogen projects. The target group also includes specialists from public administration who have to assess such projects with regard to their approval.
Our aim is to train specialists and managers who are able to understand the various aspects associated with the realization of a hydrogen project. The training contenttherefore ranges from technologicalcomponents andeconomicfeasibilityto the legalrequirements of the approval process, safety and maintenance. It is a very challenging and multidisciplinary training program for which we have been able to engage some of the leading experts in the various fields. The program is also not focused on one location. Our seminars take place in Hanover, Oldenburg and Bremerhaven.
Please tell us about the motivation and objectives of the participants.
They come to us from different backgrounds. This enriches the teamwork immensely and has a particularly positive effect on the project work, in which all participants can contribute their strengths.
In my opinion, the reasons to join a hydrogentraining program include the opportunity to invest in your own professional development and the large networkof contacts that such an opportunity offers. Also, the chance to keep up with a rapidly and constantly evolving industry and the prospect of being a pioneer in the sector.
Who is actually behind the project?
The training was developed by the Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L) and designed in collaboration with Leibniz Universität Hannover, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES.
The planning was made possible by fundingfrom the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, the Hannover Region and the City of Oldenburg. These three stakeholders also supported the implementation of the pilot phase, which was very successful in terms of participation.
How exactly can we imagine the format being implemented?
In addition to imparting know-how, a mixture of online-supported self-study, learning activities in individual or group work and face-to-face seminars to apply what has been learned in practice is central. For example, participants are asked to design a hydrogen plant, taking all aspects into account: From the choice of the most suitable technologies, to the development and maintenance costs, to the market launch of the final product.
The synchronous online meetings and face-to-face seminars include phases of knowledge transfer as well as practical examples and exercises. In addition, there is sufficient time and space for direct exchange with our experts and for participants to network with each other. Last but not least, we offer supplementary activities such as excursions to companies and industrial plants and informal fireside evenings with experts from various fields. Last year, for example, we visited the Salzgitter AG and JA-Gastechnology plants in Burgwedel, the EWE gas storage facility and the power2fuel production plant in Brunsbüttel, as well as the laboratories of the Institute for Electrical Energy Systems (IFES) in Hanover and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) in Bremerhaven.
What experiences have the participants had so far?
The feedback so far has been consistently positive. In particular, the opportunities for dialog in the form of networking through the project work, the exchange with the speakers, the excursions and the fireside evenings represent a great added value that no online solution with all its possibilities can offer. It should not be forgotten that, in addition to the networks of our scientific partners and sponsors, participants also have access to the networks of our associated partners (efzn, OLEC, ZEW, WAB) and the contact networkof our speakers at leading hydrogen companies(DLR, TU Clausthal, von Bredow Valentin Herz Kanzlei, Enervis, EWE, TÜV Süd). I can confirm that youleavethe course not only with a newprofessional qualification, but also with a renewed, consolidated and expanded wealth of human and contact-related experience.
Looking back, what were your three highlights of the first round of the training program?
It is difficult to say this in three points, but if I had to choose, I would say: quality and variety of content, practice-oriented further education, and networking.
Where can you find out more?
You can find all the detailed information on our website and the latest and most up-to-date activities on our LinkedIn page. You can also make an appointment for a consultation via the website: I am happy to answer questions from potential interested parties and try to find ways to support their concerns.
Is it still possible to register for the next round?
The program is limited to 24 participants and all places are currently taken. However, there will be further runs. It is therefore worth getting in touch with us early.
Then please get in touch with our contact person (see Contact)
Dr. Ruggero Capperucci
Continuing education management Hydrogen certificate program
Tel. 0441 / 798 5046
Further information is also available on the website athttps://uol.de/weiterbildung-wasserstoff
Contact us
Dr. Mahzad Peschke
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion