12.5 million euro investment in the expansion of the TECHNOLOGY CENTER in the Science Park

State Secretary Matthias Wunderling-Weilbier, Ministry of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, State Secretary Stefan Muhle, Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitalization, Hanover's Lord Mayor Belit Onay, Regional President Hauke Jagau and hannoverimpuls Managing Director Doris Petersen jointly gave the go-ahead for the construction work in Marienwerder.
© hannoverimpuls GmbH

The TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM (TZ) of hannoverimpuls in the Science Park in Marienwerder with 78 offices, eleven workshops and eight laboratories on 3,800 square meters offers innovative, technology-oriented companies and start-ups the opportunity for business development - now more than 2,700 square meters of usable space have been added: "This is a real milestone for Hanover!", says Doris Petersen, Managing Director of hannoverimpuls GmbH, which has been operating the TZ since 2013. "We are very grateful to the state of Lower Saxony, which is contributing 5.5 million euros in funding from European funds (ERDF), and to our shareholders, the City and Region of Hanover. This will enable us to continue the success story of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM."

"Technology transfer and innovative start-ups are of central importance for Lower Saxony's position in European competition. The expansion of the Marienwerder Technology Center is therefore an important investment in the future of our region within Europe," said State Secretary Matthias Wunderling-Weilbier, underlining the importance of Lower Saxony's involvement in the investment. "The pandemic has once again clearly shown us all the importance of digital innovations in overcoming crises," State Secretary Stefan Muhle also emphasizes the importance of the TC expansion.

"The TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM offers an immense locational advantage due to its proximity to nationally and internationally renowned research institutions in digital technologies and production techniques as well as the Laser Zentrum Hannover, the IPH and the new mechanical engineering campus of Leibniz Universität Hannover. This must be further strengthened," says Hanover's Lord Mayor Belit Onay, underlining the radiance of the expansion work that began today with Hanover's support. Hauke Jagau, President of the Hannover Region, is also happy about the extension, which is due to be completed by the end of June 2022: "The extension is the right and necessary step for the business location in order to provide technology-oriented start-ups and young companies with a tailor-made offer in the future."

The successful joint start-up service starting business of Leibniz Universität Hannover and hannoverimpuls, the VentureVilla as an accelerator with its incubator programs and the completion of the mechanical engineering campus in Garbsen last year had accelerated the need for modern, state-of-the-art infrastructure.

In addition to the subsidized premises, hannoverimpuls supports the companies based at the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM with comprehensive advice and services to help them get started - from networking with suitable cooperation partners to identifying suitable funding and sources of financing.

With the expansion, Hannover's location for the technology of tomorrow will soon offer a total area of 6,500 square meters. With the attractive landscaped park, the proximity to high-performance and internationally recognized research institutions and the TZ, Hannover as a business location now has a future-oriented commercial offering.

Photographer: Maik Przyklenk

The caption (from left to right): State Secretary Matthias Wunderling-Weilbier (Ministry of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development), State Secretary Stefan Muhle (Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitalization), Hanover's Lord Mayor Belit Onay, Regional President Hauke Jagau and hannoverimpuls Managing Director Doris Petersen

Press contact:
Cornelia-Mercedes Bödecker
Phone: 0511-300 333-16

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