Business reception City of Hanover 2023

"Shaping the future - sustainable business" was the motto of this year's business reception on November 13. Around 500 guests accepted the invitation from Anja Ritschel, Head of the Department of Economic and Environmental Affairs, to the Hannover Congress Centrum. The focus of the evening was a panel discussion on the topic. Prior to this, Lord Mayor Belit Onay honored Mira Jago as this year's winner of the "CITY OF HANOVER AWARD - Women make a location".
Zahlreiche Gäste beim Wirtschaftsempfang der Landeshauptstadt Hannover
Business reception City of Hanover 2023
City of Hanover
"Full power: one city, one goal: use resources wisely!"

In her welcoming speech, Anja Ritschel outlined the difficult economic situation in society against the backdrop of the current crises in the world. She pointed out that resilience is the key word for Hannover to master the challenge of sustainable business. She credited the stakeholders in Hannover with the ability to network well. Anja Ritschel also drew attention to the "Full Power!" resource saving campaign.

 (v. l. n. r.) Wirtschafts- und Umweltdezernentin Anja Ritschel, Dr. Katharina Reuter (Geschäftsführerin des Bundesverbandes Nachhaltige Wirtschaft), Dr. Frank Eretge (Geschäftsführer des Bau- und Immobilienunternehmens Gundlach), Silke Stremlau (Vorsitzende des „Sustainable Finance“-Beirates der Bundesregierung) und Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay© Ulrich Stamm
(from left to right) Anja Ritschel, Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, Dr. Katharina Reuter (Managing Director of the German Sustainable Economy Association), Dr. Frank Eretge (Managing Director of the construction and real estate company Gundlach), Silke Stremlau (Chairwoman of the Federal Government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Board) and Lord Mayor Belit Onay

Dr. Katharina Reuter (Managing Director of the German Sustainable Economy Association), Silke Stremlau (Chairwoman of the Federal Government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Board), Dr. Frank Eretge (Managing Director of the construction and real estate company Gundlach) and Lord Mayor Belit Onay took part in the panel discussion, which was moderated by Anja Ritschel.

"Sustainability is not only an essential component of municipal and regional development, but also the guiding principle of municipal development. As the City of Hanover, we see ourselves on the one hand as a supporter of the local economy and on the other hand we are very aware of our role as a shaper."
Lord Mayor Belit Onay
" Companies and local authorities will face huge challenges in the coming years to tackle climate change, the loss of biodiversity and social challenges. A sustainable financial market promotes this transformation of our economy in order to achieve the Paris climate targets. For both companies and the financial industry, sustainability is no longer a fair-weather issue. Rather, it is about mobilizing investments for the socio-ecological transformation of our economy. This is how we create sustainable business models."
Silke Stremlau, Chairwoman of the Federal Government's Sustainable Finance Advisory Board
"Sustainability is now part of a company's DNA. Companies are well advised to introduce sustainability reporting today rather than tomorrow - because banks and insurance companies will ask for it."
Dr. Katharina Reuter, Managing Director of the German Sustainable Economy Association
"The time is ripe to implement sustainability comprehensively - also in the real estate industry. Everyone involved - housing companies, tenants and the public sector - will have to bear some of the costs. A tangible challenge for many. We will all benefit (at a later date), for example through cleaner air, a better (micro)climate and a higher quality of life. We will also become less dependent on energy imports."
Dr. Frank Eretge, Managing Director of the construction and real estate company Gundlach

Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay überreicht der Stadt Hannover Preis Trägerin Mira Jago den Award, Wirtschafts- und Umweltdezernentin Anja Ritschel (links) moderiert die Preisübergabe© Ulrich Stamm
Lord Mayor Belit Onay presents the award to Mira Jago, winner of the City of Hanover Prize, while Anja Ritschel (left), Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, moderates the award ceremony

The STADT-HANNOVER-PREIS honors successful female entrepreneurs in Hanover's economy. This year's award winner was also presented and honored at the City of Hanover's business reception. In 2023, the prize went to Mira Jago, whofoundedthe app development agency CuckooCoding GmbHin 2017. Mira Jago is keen for women to be involved in the development of tech products, take a greater interest in technological professions and be prepared to set up their own businesses. This is why she is involved as a networker, mentor and speaker. Mayor Belit Onay presented the award in the evening.

Mira Jago und ehemalige STADT HANNOVER PREISTRÄGERINNEN beim Wirtschaftsempfang mit Wirtschafts- und Umweltdezernentin Anja Ritschel (links) und Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay© Ulrich Stamm
Mira Jago and former CITY OF HANNOVER AWARD WINNERS at the business reception with Anja Ritschel (left), Head of Economic and Environmental Affairs, and Lord Mayor Belit Onay

The business reception was attended by many previous winners of the CITY OF HANNOVER Award, who used the evening for a lively exchange of ideas. The prize was awarded for the 22nd time this year.

© Ulrich Stamm

Afterwards, the numerous guests had ample opportunity to discuss what they had heard, maintain old contacts and make new ones at the buffet.

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Gabriele Zingsheim
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