Transformation Day in the Heidekreis

The"Transformation Day" of neu/wagenwilltakeplace on August 29, 2023 at SerengetiPark Hodenhagen. The event will focus on the topics of "bio-based materials" and "alternative drives".

Get to know the transformation network and learn more about concrete solutions for the CO2-minimizing implementation of products and processes in the vehicle and supplier industry as well as mobility in general.


free of charge


13.00 Bus tour through the Serengeti Park (optional)

14.30 Arrival of participantsincludinguse of the ideas pinboards,
with which we collect your questions and ideas for the sessions.

15:15 Welcome and introduction

Michael Krohn, Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Deltaland mbH

15:30 Bio-based materials and emission-free mobility as part of the transformation

Dr.-Ing. Michael Merwart, Head of Transformation Network new/car

15:45 Bioeconomy as an opportunity

Dr. Marie-Luise Rottmann-Meyer, Managing Director 3N Competence Center Lower Saxony
Network for Renewable Resources and Bioeconomy e.V.

16:00 Bio-based materials for a more balanced CO2 balance

Dr. Nina Graupner, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Faculty 5 - Nature & Engineering / BIOMIMETICS,
The Biological Materials Group

16:15 Panel discussion with the speakers

16:30 End of the panel discussion and allocation of participants to the sessions

TimeSession 1: Bio-based materialsSession 2: Alternative drives

News from the circular economy working group

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Giese, German Institute for Rubber Technology e.V.

News from the zero-emission mobility working group

Thomas Othmar, Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Institute for Construction Elements, Mechatronics and Electromobility


Bio-based materials in automotive research

Dr. Daniel Kohl, Project Manager, VW Group Innovation

Future Fuels - An overview

Jan Wellmann, Head of Future Fuels & Site Development at Wilhelm Hoyer GmbH & Co. KG


Styrofoam as an alternative,made from biomass balance material with 75% CO2 savings orR-EPSwith 35% to 80% recycled content

Torsten Schulz, Authorized Signatory / Sales Manager, Schaumaplast Lüchow GmbH

Solutions for the 100% emission-free transport kilometer

Jean-Marie Poignon, Key Account Manager, GP Joule Hydrogen GmbH


Bubble wrap made from 100% recycled paper - circular economy as the key to a sustainable supply chain

Anke Thies, Marketing Management Papair GmbH

Biomethane as a fuel

Gerd Clasen, Managing Director KBB Biogas GmbH & Co. KG


Panel discussion with all speakers on contributions on the "ideas pinboard"

Dr. Ernest Mitschke, Transformation Network new/car

Panel discussion with all speakers on contributions on the "ideas pinboard"

Franz Harke, transformation network new/car

17.45 Summary from the podium: Ideas for further transformation
Dr.-Ing. Michael Merwart, Dr. Ernest Mitschke, Franz Harke,
Transformation network new/car

18.00 End of the event, catering incl. opportunity for networking

Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Deltaland mbH
Economic development agency Deltaland mbH

3N Kompetenzzentrum Niedersachsen Netzwerk Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Bioökonomie e.V.
3N Competence Center Lower Saxony Network for Renewable Resources and Bioeconomy e.V.

Wirtschaftsverein Heidekreis
Heidekreis Business Association

The "Transformation Day" of the transformation networkneu/wagenwilltakeplace on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.August 2023from1 p.m. (with bus ride through the Serengeti Park) or 2.30 p.m. (admission) until approx. 7 p.m. The venue is the

Serengeti Park Hodenhagen
Am Safaripark 1
29693 Hodenhagen

You will receive an e-mail with the latest information a few days before the event.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Communication and network management Transformation network new/car
Florian Rehr
Communication and network management Transformation network new/car
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

Events Transformation networknew/wagenOpenappointment finder

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