neu/wagen working group "Disruptive business models in the mobility sector"

The themed workshop "eMobility - Part 2"is part of the neu/wagen working group "Disruptive business models in the mobility sector".


free of charge

neu/wagen Arbeitskreis

The aim of this workshop is to further concretize initial idea sketches for new business models in a structured approach using the Business Model Canvas, to identify potential challenges and to develop innovative solutions.

This workshop uses the idea sketches for new business models in the mobility sector developed in the previous workshop "eMobility" with the "Disrupt yourself" method to further concretize them using the Business Model Canvas method.

The Business Model Canvas is presented as a useful tool in the process of developing new business models and is used practically in the group work, as it enables the participants to identify and visualize the core elements of a business model. By working on the canvas, we can interactively develop and discuss the key aspects of our ideas, such as customer benefits, target groups, sales channels, sources of income and resources, against the background of the heterogeneous participant structure.

Participation does NOT require attendance at the previous workshop and is therefore open to all interested parties.

8.30 a.m. Arrival of the participants

9.00 a.m. Welcome and mutual introduction

Kathrin Schmitz and Marius Felzmann, M-Powr Team GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Michael Merwart, Transformation Network new/car

9.30 a.m. Brief presentation of the results from the previous workshop and
Explanation of the adapted Business Model Canvas method

Marius Felzmann, M-Powr Team GmbH

10.00 a.m. Group work "Business Model Canvas"

All participants

  • Step 1: Joint selection of an outline idea for a new business model for further development
  • Step 2: Iterative processing of the individual dimensions of the Business Model Canvas in small groups and discussion of the interim results in the whole group
  • Step 3: Merging into a common picture of the new business model

12.30 p.m. Lunch and get-together incl. opportunity to network

1 p.m. End of the event

The working group takes place under the umbrella of the transformation networkneu/wagenand is aimed exclusively at companies.

Room in the House of Economic Development: Steinhuder Meer (ground floor)

Clickhere to register


Haus der Wirtschaftsförderung, Vahrenwalder Straße 7, 30165 routeLogo Google Maps

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Contact us

Hanover Region
Topic Manager Talent Transformation Network new/car
Alena Jakubowski
Topic Manager Talent Transformation Network new/car
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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