e.coBizz: Green Action Lab - Developing sustainable visions with Lego Serious Plays
Face-to-face workshops at the VHS Hannover.
free of charge
They are small, colorful, mostly angular and actually everyone knows them from childhood: Lego bricks are the focus of an exciting workshop format that will stay in your memory for a long time.
Are you also tired of long presentations without tangible results? Would you like to transform your company and learn how to take your employees with you in this process? Then come to our Lego Serious Play workshops! Let's play Lego together and discover the potential of your company. The workshops take placefrom 1 to 5 pm.
Together with our expert for the Lego method, Michael Barsakidis, we then offer the following threedifferent"Green Action Labs":
On Thursday, August 22, the focus will be on how you can make your company fit for the future and sustainable, while at the same time making smart social changes.
On Wednesday, September 4,the "Green Action Lab" will focus on how to get employees excited about climate protection and involve them in the change process.
On Tuesday, September 17, participants will work together to develop visions for the future in the direction of climate neutrality: How can your company be climate-friendly and future-proof in 2035?
Very important:If you are not yet familiar with the procedure, you should take part in our online preliminary exercise either on Thursday, August 8, or Thursday, August 15,to get to know the unusual methodology first. Both dates will take place onlinefrom 4 to 5 pm.
Face-to-face workshops at the VHS Hannover
Contact us
Melanie Albrecht
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion