e.coBizz: Ready for the future: Sustainable impetus for companies

The e.coBizz project is financed by the Hannover Region and proKlima - Der enercity-Fonds and implemented by Klimaschutzagentur Region Hannover.

Expert forum with the HWK, HWK Campus Handwerk / Garbsen.


free of charge

Are you ready to make your company fit for the challenges of tomorrow? Then don't miss our exclusive specialist forum "Ready for the future: Sustainable impetus for companies"! We will provide you with detailed information on the topic of solar energy, introduce you to CSR reporting and show you how you can cleverly use the topic of sustainability for your corporate marketing.

Whether you are at the beginning of your sustainability journey or want to optimize your existing strategies - our expert forum will provide you with valuable impulses and concrete solutions. Together with the Chamber of Skilled Crafts, we will support you with experiences, best practice examples and strategies for your company. We look forward to your participation and the exchange of ideas!

Expert forum with the HWK, HWK Campus Handwerk / Garbsen

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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