Renewable process heat - how can this be achieved?

The free online event organized by the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony (KEAN) will demonstrate the potential of renewable energies for the climate-neutral provision of process heat.


free of charge

The industrial sector is responsible for a good third of Germany's final energy consumption. A large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions from industry can be directly attributed to process heat. This is heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

The online event will demonstrate the potential of renewable energies for the climate-neutral provision of process heat. Industrial heating processes are very heterogeneous: depending on the application, the temperature requirements and energy densities differ considerably. Technological alternatives to fossil-fired systems are primarily seen in the use of green hydrogen and in the electrification of systems and processes. Professor Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach from Leibniz Universität Hannover presents and compares these technological alternatives.

The online event also marks the start of a series of webinars on solutions for renewable heating processes.

09:00 am: Welcome
Ann Kruse, Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony

09:10: Process heat: Away from fossil fuels... towards - yes, what actually?
Prof. Dr. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Afterwards: Your questions

10:15 am: End

Make a note of further dates in this webinar series:

The target group includes company and association representatives as well as company energy consultants.

This is a joint event of the energy agencies of the states of Lower Saxony (KEAN), Hesse (LEA) and Thuringia (ThEGA) - in cooperation with the local business development and regional energy agency.

Come and talk to us. We look forward to your participation!

The Hannover Region Economic Development Agency is a cooperation partner of the event.


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Hanover Region
Project management & operational consulting
Melanie Albrecht
Project management & operational consulting
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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