First Hydrogen Day in the Hannover Region - Generation H2 launched

Hydrogen is considered a promising option in the energy and transportation transition. The Hannover Region sees hydrogen as a great opportunity to achieve the climate goals of the economy and society. A path that is best taken together in order to tackle the various challenges with swarm intelligence.
At the 1st Hydrogen Day Hannover Region, experts from companies and science met to exchange ideas and get to know regional projects and potential partners. The Hannover hydrogen region presented itself as a network under the label "Generation H2" for the first time. The Hydrogen Day was a kick-off event that focused on joint exchange.

Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs for the Hannover Region:
"In December last year, the Hannover Region received a political mandate to develop hydrogen as an energy source for business and transportation. It is important to us that green and therefore sustainable, climate-friendly hydrogen is promoted. We want to continue and deepen this path. The aim of the Hannover Region is to use hydrogen to bring about an energy transition for the economy. Secure jobs and prosperity in the Hannover Region also depend on whether we succeed in implementing new technologies and turning them into marketable products. Generation H2 offers a platform for a key technology of the 21st century that can reach far beyond the region. That was the reason for us to create the Hannover Hydrogen Region."
Elke van Zadel, Chairwoman, Technology, IT, Infrastructure and Marketing at üstra:
"The mobility of the future will be climate-neutral and rely on new drive technologies. The Hannover Region is already a pioneer and benchmark for public transport. Our sister sector, logistics, is also a partner with whom we are happy to exchange ideas in the Generation H2 project and from which we expect to achieve synergies."
Matthias Görn, Head of Hanover's urban drainage system:
"Water is the basis of life. We work to ensure that people in Hanover and the region have a clean and ecological basis for life. Generation H2 develops innovative projects with which we can provide impetus for more climate protection and efficient use of our resources. We believe that we will succeed in doing this together in a strong alliance with the players in the initiative."
Prof. Lars Gusig, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts:
"New technologies are best developed together - in cooperation between companies and science. The networking that Generation H2 offers us here on site is the ideal breeding ground for us to implement new ideas. That's why we are involved here."
Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach, Institute for Electrical Energy Systems at Leibniz Universität Hannover:
"The oil age is coming to an end and science must find new answers to meet the energy needs of the future. Hydrogen technology promises to make a contribution to this. To do this, we need to invest in minds and education here in Hanover - and offer skilled workers and expertise."
Press contact
Christoph Borschel
Press spokesman - Tel. 0511 616- 22260 - Mobile 0162 366 15 47