Creative industries and multimedia

Creative impulses from the leash. Today, a lively cultural and creative scene has become one of the most important location factors in terms of retaining and attracting skilled workers. It contributes significantly to a liveable environment and a positive image of the location.

In Hannover, the overall economicsignificance of thecultural and creative industries (CCIs) has also developed and consolidated significantly in recent years. The approximately 4,100 companies and self-employed persons in the CCI in the Hannover Region generate a turnover of 2.4 billion euros. In addition, the cultural and creative industries make a comprehensive contribution to other sectors as a driver of innovation and play an important cross-sectional role.

The music, book, art, film, broadcasting, design and architecture industries, the press and advertising market, the software and games industry and the performing arts: Twelve submarkets form this heterogeneous and small-scale industry. In order to sustainably support the potential of the CCI, hannoverimpuls has been working intensively since the end of 2010 to secure existing jobs and shape the framework conditions in such a way that the region's creative professionals can live and work well here.

kre|H|tiv Network Hannover e.V.

Thekre|H|tivNetzwerk Hannover e.V.was founded in 2011.With over 330 members, it is now the largest cultural and creative network in Germany.

The network's tasks include networking and promoting players in the cultural and creative industries as well as initiating a wide range of projects. Regular events such as the "ver|1|meierei" or the "tag|S|start" offer Hanover's creative professionals a space to exchange ideas, present their own projects and expand their own network. Seminars such as the "ERFOLGREICH! kreativ" series, led by start-up experts from hannoverimpuls, provide creative people with the necessary know-how for the road to success.

Cooperation projects with regional and supra-regional institutions and networks play an important role in strengthening the exchange between creative and other economic sectors and using their function as creative and innovation drivers. The HannoLab, the Future Design Camp, the LeanLab start-up camp and the #creativcoder{ trainee program specifically seek input from creative minds for the development of new technologies and products. In addition, the association initiated Hanover's application to become a UNESCO City of Music and successfully implemented it together with the state capital and other partners.

For more information on the association, its diverse events and projects,

hannoverimpuls focuses on:

  • Networking of industry players in the industry network
  • Linking with other sectors
  • Support for start-ups and help with business model development
  • Further training opportunities for start-ups and established companies
  • Making the innovative capacity of the industry visibleInitiating projects and initiatives to increase the perception of the Hannover Region as an outstanding creative location

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