How a company offers a future to skilled workers from Tunisia

03.02.2025 - AS-Drucklufttechnik GmbH has found a sustainable way to close the skills gap with the targeted deployment of international specialists and the support of the Welcome Center of the Hannover Region and THAMM.
Tornike Murtskhvaladze, Leiter des Welcome Center Region Hannover, Aymen Tabbal, Mechatroniker für Kältetechnik und Alfio Stuto, Geschäftsführer AS-Drucklufttechnik GmbHHanover Region
Tornike Murtskhvaladze, Head of the Welcome Center Region Hannover, Aymen Tabbal, mechatronics technician for refrigeration technology and Alfio Stuto, Managing Director of AS-Drucklufttechnik GmbH
Aymen Tabbal bei der ArbeitHanover Region
Aymen Tabbal at work

In 2024, the regional company AS-Drucklufttechnik celebrated a significant anniversary - 20 years of successful work in the field of compressed air and refrigeration technology. With a dedicated workforce of 25 employees, including two trainees, the company has written a remarkable success story. But behind the figures and the successful major orders for companies from industry and trade, there is an even deeper story - a story of diversity, opportunities and the courage to take on challenges.

The search for skilled workers - an urgently needed commodity

The skills gap, which has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, is also making itself felt at AS-Drucklufttechnik. The company, which offers valued solutions in the field of compressed air and refrigeration technology all over the world, is always on the lookout for qualified employees. However, at a time when well-trained specialists are hard to find, it is not always easy to find the right employees.

However, the company found a solution - and looked beyond the borders of Germany. The experience with a self-organized specialist from Tunisia was particularly positive. AS-Drucklufttechnik therefore recruited two more skilled workers from Tunisia, including Aymen Tabbal, a mechatronics technician for refrigeration technology, with the support of the Welcome Center of the Hanover region and THAMM.

An example of courage and success

AS-Drucklufttechnik in Altwarmbüchen bei HannoverHanover Region
AS compressed air technology in Altwarmbüchen near Hanover

Aymen Tabbal came to Germany on July 22, 2022. He had already worked as a mechatronics technician for refrigeration technology in Tunisia, but the working conditions there were often difficult and the equipment was inadequate. "It was clear that I wanted to achieve more. There are better opportunities in Germany, especially for young people. And when you're young, you have to seize those opportunities," he says today.

He managed to come to Germany through the THAMM program and the Hannover Region Welcome Center . From his point of view, the support was very helpful and smooth. Support was provided with bureaucratic procedures, which made integration in Germany easier.

After a successful online job interview, he started working at AS-Drucklufttechnik in August 2022 and took on the challenge of adapting and expanding his specialist knowledge. On June 20, 2024, he was able to obtain full recognition of his qualifications as a mechatronics technician for refrigeration technology in Germany.

"The cooperation with the Welcome Center of the Hannover Region is uncomplicated, successful and at the same time very professional.Within a very short space of time, we were able to recruit three technicians in the field of compressed air and refrigeration technology from Tunisia for our company. In addition, we continue to receive promising applications. We greatly appreciate the cooperation with the Welcome Center of the Hannover Region and look forward to a continued successful partnership in the future."
Alfio Stuto, Managing Director AS-Drucklufttechnik GmbH

From arrival to integration: support that makes the difference

Aymen Tabbal's path was not always easy. Adapting to new work processes, German regulations and the language required perseverance. But AS Drucklufttechnik supported him every step of the way: "I learned a lot, especially with regard to the complexity of the tasks. The job is more demanding, but also more varied. I now even carry out customer visits independently," he says proudly.

In addition to his professional activities, Aymen Tabbal has also settled into life in Germany. He regularly plays soccer at the university sports club at Leibniz Universität Hannover, which helps him to make new friends and integrate well. With the support of AS-Drucklufttechnik, he was able to find an apartment in Bothfeld, which also gives him a stable basis for living. The necessary bureaucratic steps, such as catching up on his driving license, were also challenging, but he mastered them.

"It's not always easy, but it's worth it. I can highly recommend life here, especially to young people from Tunisia. It's an opportunity that should be seized," says Aymen Tabbal, who has now arrived well in Germany.

A collaboration that creates prospects for the future

Besuch im Lager von AS-Durcklufttechnik
Visit to the AS-Durcklufttechnik warehouse

The successful cooperation between AS-Drucklufttechnik and the Tunisian specialists shows how important it is to break new ground and think internationally. In particular, the support provided by the Welcome Center Region Hannover and the THAMM program makes it possible not only to attract skilled workers, but also to integrate them in the long term. For AS-Drucklufttechnik, this means not only solving the skills gap, but also enriching the company with motivated, young workers.

And Aymen Tabbal's story is just one example of many more to come. The company is always on the lookout for new employees who can enrich the company with their expertise and passion.

A look into the future: opportunities for all

The company is optimistic about the future. The order situation is strong and the demand for skilled workers remains high. With a diverse workforce, including an increasing number of international specialists, AS-Drucklufttechnik is not only at the cutting edge of technology, but also a company that builds bridges - between cultures, nations and careers.

The path taken by Aymen Tabbal and many others is an example of what successful integration and securing skilled workers can look like when all sides work together. And AS Drucklufttechnik will continue to focus on diversity over the next 20 years - as the key to the future.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of Welcome Center
Tornike Murtskhvaladze
Head of Welcome Center
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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