Founding story May 2021 - Alethia Group

The Alethia Group, based in Greifswald, moved its development center to the Hanover region just last summer. Here, the team led by Managing Directors Marco Ziegler and Matthias Milek is now working on the next stage. The first machines should be ready for use by the end of 2021. The new technology is primarily used in industry. And the idea is so good that it has already received several awards, including from hannoverimpuls: the company has already won the Plug & Work Award and was one of the nominees in this year's Startup Impuls start-up competition.
Matthias and Marco, how can we imagine the process?
We have developed a spray system with which glass can be applied in a 0.005 millimeter thin layer to anything. Our process seals almost any surface. Whether wood, concrete or sandstone - our completely ecological coating ensures that products or components become more durable. An important contribution to sustainability.
How did the idea come about?
In our search for a sustainable and ecological alternative to existing product solutions for durable coatings, we came across a research and development project at the University of Greifswald. This is where the Alethia was created to put the idea into practice.
Where should the new coating be applied?
We are currently negotiating with the automotive industry. For example, the interior of vehicles can be sealed with our technology. And of course there are countless other possible applications. We are constantly trying out new applications at our development center in Garbsen. We are also working with various institutes to further optimize the coating. Applications in the fields of ecological packaging, sensors, battery technology and hydrogen transportation are in the pipeline.
In cooperation with customers, we develop the respective application based on their requirements and then manufacture it in Garbsen. There are already plans to set up a new production site. The technology will be further developed over the next few years so that it can soon be used as a spraying system directly at the customer's production site via a license model that can be controlled via the Internet.
What tips do you have for other founders?
Networking is the be-all and end-all in all areas. Otherwise, you will pay a very, very high price. Talk to potential customers and users, business representatives and students. They can sometimes give you valuable ideas along the way!
Contact details
alethia-group GmbH
Development Center
Molkereistrasse 66
30826 Garbsen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)5131 50 18 0 50
Fax: +49 (0)5131 50 18 0 49
Marco Ziegler and Matthias Milek on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:
We moved to Hanover in summer 2020, hannoverimpuls supports us with rental payments through Plug & Work and opens up its network to us. Above all, contacts with universities and industry partners help to make our technology known.
Anna Klose, Project Manager Internationalization at hannoverimpuls GmbH, on the founders of Alethia:
Some of the team have already gained 20 years of experience in the automotive industry or come from a consulting background themselves. Now they are on the other side with their company. Here we are dealing with professionals who know exactly what they want. It's fun to support them in their development and also to make recommendations, such as our recent participation in the Startup Impuls start-up competition.