Founding story July 2022 Ergoteam - Practice for occupational therapy GbR

Special edition on the occasion of the National Action Day of the Federal Agency for Women Founders (bga) on business succession.

Nina Strietzel and Alina Schmidt took on the challenges of company succession at the beginning of the year. The two had already worked in Ingeburg Bohnet's occupational therapy practice for several years before founding Ergoteam - Praxis für Ergotherapie GbR in Lehrte in January 2022. Every year, an average of more than 70,000 family businesses alone are affected by the situation of handing over the business to a successor from within or outside the family.

Nina and Alina, you took over your practice Ergoteam from your former boss after having worked there for several years. From today's perspective, would you take the same step again - or would you rather set up a new practice?

We would definitely prefer a takeover to setting up a new practice! We like and appreciate the atmosphere in the practice and the team, and the practice has built up a certain reputation. We wanted to continue to offer patients and colleagues a familiar and reliable treatment and working atmosphere and secure our workplace for everyone in a familiar environment and were able to use the existing network.

We were also allowed to take over the space and other conditions, such as therapy materials, and only adapted them according to our ideas. Of course, a new set-up also has certain advantages, but in our case we liked the way it worked out.

What were the biggest hurdles in the takeover process - and how did you overcome them?

We had planned a lot of preparation time, but bureaucratic hurdles sometimes caught up with us, which meant that we ran out of time. We also advise everyone - whether starting up or taking over - to think carefully and pay close attention to all contact points, as we had several negative experiences, which of course also cost us time and money. When setting up or taking over a medical practice, many steps build on each other and subsequent steps are only possible once another has been completed, which was sometimes challenging.

How did it go in the team - after all, your colleagues became the bosses of the practice?

This has never been a problem at any level. As our name Ergoteam suggests, we form a great team that supports each other and where everyone has an open ear for each other. We laugh a lot and we simply have a great basis. Our former boss is also still in the team, which was and still is a great support, especially in the early days.

What are your tips for others who want to take over a company?

We think that sufficient start-up and preparation time is particularly important. Stay on the ball yourself and ask questions, because customer service is not optimal everywhere. The financial situation and planning should be in dry cloths, which provides a lot of security.

Contact details:


Practice for occupational therapy GbR

Köthenwaldstrasse 34
31275 Lehrte

Phone: 05132 - 88 78 50

Nina Strietzel and Alina Schmidt on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls and the Hannover Region's business service:

The regular meetings and discussions with hannoverimpuls were very helpful for us, as we always had a reliable and friendly contact person. And if this person didn't know the answer, we were passed on accordingly.

Cornelia Klaus, Head of Founder Consult at hannoverimpuls, on Nina Strietzel and Alina Schmidt and their company succession with the Ergoteam:

Business successors often need a lot of patience for the process. The two founders were well prepared for the new challenges, both professionally and entrepreneurially, and mastered the step to successful self-employment superbly.

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